Grice e Colonna: la ragione conversazionale e l’implicatura conversazionale – scuola di Roma – filosofia romana – filosofia lazia -- filosofia italiana – Luigi Speranza (Roma). Filosofo romano. Filosofo lazio.Filosofo italiano. Roma, Lazio. There is already an entry for this; in Italian it is ‘Egidio Colonna’ -- giles di roma, Rome, original name, a member of the order of the Hermits of St. Augustine, he studied arts at Augustinian house and theology at the varsity in Paris but was censured by the theology faculty and denied a license to teach as tutor. Owing to the intervention of Pope Honorius IV, he later returned from Italy to Paris to teach theology, was appointed general of his order, and became archbishop of Bourges. Colonna both defends and criticizes views of Aquinas. He held that essence and existence are really distinct in creatures, but described them as “things”; that prime matter cannot exist without some substantial form; and, early in his career, that an eternally created world is possible. He defended only one substantial form in composites, including man. Grice adds: “Colonna supported Pope Boniface VIII in his quarrel with Philip IV of Franc eand that was a bad choice.” The Latin is EGIDIVS COLUMNA. The “Corriere” has an article as his book being a bestseller of the Low Middle Ages!” Cosnisder the claims here: ‘essence and existence are really distinct in creatures – and each is a thing – prime matter cannot exist without substantial forml – eternal and created world is not a contradiction – there is only ONE substantial form in compostes, including man. Grice: “Must say I LOVE Colonna, or COLVMNA as the printing goes – of course the “Corriere della Sera” hastens to add that he wassn’t one! In any case, my favourite of his tracts is of course the one on Aristotle!”. Egidio Romano, O.E.S.A. arcivescovo della Chiesa cattolica Filip4 Gilles de RomeEgidio Romano e Filippo il Bello (miniatura di un codice medievale). Incarichi ricopertiArcivescovo di Bourges Nato Roma Nominato arcivescovo Roma. Manuale Egidio Romano, latinizzato come Ægidius Romanus. Dopo la sua morte, gli furono tributati i titoli onorifici di Doctor fundatissimus e Theologorum princeps. Discepolo d'Aquino. Insegna filosofia. Fu inoltre il tutore di Filippo il Bello al quale dedica il saggio “De regimine principum”, sostenendo l'efficacia della monarchia come forma di governo. Considerato tra i più autorevoli filosofi di ispirazione agostiniana, attivo anche nella vita intellettuale e politica in un contesto culturale ed istituzionale travagliato da frequenti ed aspre polemiche sul problema del rapporto tra potere temporale e potere spirituale. Generalmente ricordato, insieme al prediletto allievo Giacomo da Viterbo, per il contributo nella redazione della celebre bolla Unam Sanctam di Papa Bonifacio VIII e per il ruolo significativo che assunse il Maestro degli Eremitani di Sant'Agostino quale autore del De Ecclesiastica potestate e, dunque, quale teorico famoso e autorevole della plenitudo potestatis pontificia. In Colonna rileviamo subito una compresenza del duplice atteggiamento dottrinale e politico. Infatti è possibile rintracciare, fra le opere giovanili, il “De regimine principum”, saggio dedicato a Filippo il Bello e di ispirazione aristotelico-tomista inerente alla naturalità dello stato, erigendola a difensore della potestas regale. Nel “De Ecclesiastica potestate”, invece, afferma la superiorità del “sacerdotium” rispetto al “rex” o “regnum”, distinguendosi quale rappresentante della teocrazia papale. In seguito alle condanne di Tempier, difende la tesi d’Aquino, per la sua qualifica di Baccalaureus formatus, ma, proprio a causa delle condanne stesse, viene sospeso dall'insegnamento. Gli avversari del papato trovano in Aristotele gli strumenti per svolgere un'analisi politica che metta in discussione la sacralità del potere. Dall'altra parte troviamo l'influenza della corrente speculativa dell'agostinismo politico (ossia quel fenomeno, tipicamente medioevale, di compenetrazione fra stato e chiesa, all'interno del quale Agostino viene a giocare un ruolo fondamentale dal momento che l'apporto teorico del suo “De Civitate Dei” conduce a confusioni inevitabili fra il piano spirituale della “Civitas Dei Caelestis” e il piano temporale della vita terrena che è “Civitas Peregrina”), che ripropone la teoria delle “due città” e riafferma la superiorità del sacerdotium rispetto al rex e regnum, costituendo un vero e proprio “partito del Papa”. Rivendica la plenitudo potestatis come proprietà costitutiva dell'auctoritas del Papa in quanto “homo spiritualis”. Sostituisce al concetto agostiniano di “ecclesia” quello di “regnum” al fine di estendere gli ambiti del potere del sovrano ecclesiastico. Il sovrano ecclesiastico, il Papa, dove esercitare la sua sovranità anche sul potere temporale al fine di garantire l'ordine mediante una forma di “dominium” che coincide con la sua stessa missione spirituale. Atre opere: L'edizione critica dell'opera omnia è stata intrapresa, per Olschki (Aegidii Romani opera omnia, collana Corpus Philosophorum Medii AeviTesti e Studi), da Punta. “Quaestio de gradibus formarum” Ottaviano Scoto, Boneto Locatello. “In secundum librum sententiarum quaestiones” Francesco Ziletti); Opere, Antonio Blado; “In libros De physico auditu Aristotelis commentaria”; Ottaviano Scoto; Boneto Locatello, “De materia coeli” Girolamo Duranti, “Quodlibeta”. Silvia Donati, Studi per una cronologia delle opere di Egidio Romano, “Le opere prima”; “I commenti aristotelici”, "Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale", Dizionario biografico degli italiani. DEL GOVERNO DI SÈ. Del sommo bene. Quale è la maniera di parlare nella scienza de're e de' principi. Quale è l'ordinanza delle cose che si debbono dire in questo libro. Come grande utilitate ei re e' principi ånno in udire e in intendere e in sapere questo libro. Quante maniere sono di vivare e come l'uomo die méttare il sovrano bene di questa mortal vita in queste maniere di vivere. Com'è grande utilità e a' re ed ai principi che ellino conoscano il loro fine e'l loro sovrano bene di questa vita mortale. I re ne i principi, non debbano mettere il loro sovrano bene in diletto corporale. I re ne i principi non debbono mettere il loro sovrano bene in avere ricchezze. I re ne i principi non debbono mettere il loro sovrano bene in avere onori. I re ne i principi non debbono mettere il loro sovrano bene in avere gloria o gran rinomo di bontà. Nè i re né i principi non debbono méttare il loro sovrano bene in avere forza di gente. I re ne i principi debbono méttare el loro sovrano bene nelle uopere della prudenzia cioé del senno. Come ei re e' principi debbono méttare el loro sovrano bene nelle opere della prudenza e del. Il prezzo e'l guidardone dei re e dei principi bene governanti il loro popolo, secondo legge e ragione, è molto grande. senno. Della virtù. Quante potenze à l’anima e in quali potenze e la virtù di una buona opera. Come la virtù di una buona opera e divisa nella volontà e nell’intendimento dell'uomo. Quante virtù di buone opere sono, come l'uomo die préndare il numero di esse. Delle buone disposizioni che l'uomo à, alcune sono virtů, alcune sono più degne che virtù, alcune altre sono apparigliate a virtù. Alcune virtú sono più degne d'alcune altre e più principali. Che cosa è la virtù dell’uomo ch'è chiamato senno, over prudenza, over sapere. Ai re ed ai prenzi conviene es sere savi. Quanto e quali cose conviene ai re e ai prenzi avere acciò che ellino siano savi. Come și re e i prenzi possano fare loro medesimi savi. Quante maniere sono di drittura ed in che cosa è drittura e come drittura è divisata dalie altre virtú. Senza drittura e senza iustizia ei reami non possono durare, nè nulla signoria di città. I re e i prenzi debbono intendere diligentemente acciò che essi siano dirilturieri e che drittura sia guardata nelle loro terre. La forza di coraggio e. e quali cose ella die essere, e come ei re e i prenzi le. possono avere. Quante maniere sono di forza e secondo la quale ei re e i prenzi debbono essere forti. Che cosa è la virtù che l'uomo chiama temperanza e in quali cose quella virtù die essere, quante parti a la temperanza, come noi la potemo acquistare. Ched elli é più disconvenevole cosa che l’uomo sia distemperato in seguire LI DILETTI DEL CORPO che in essere paurioso. Il principe debbe essere temperato nel diletto di suo corpo. La virtù che l'uomo chiama larghezza e'n quale cose cotale virtù de' essere, e come noi la potemo acquistare. Che a pena può essere el re o'l prenze folle largo e come è troppo sconvenevole' cosa che essi sieno avari e ch'ellino debbono essere larghi e liberali. Che cosa è una virtù che l’uomo cjiama magnificenzia e'n quali cose quella virtù die essere, e come noi potemo avere quella virtù. Come è cosa isconvenevole che i re e i prenzi sieno di piccola dispesa e di poco affare, e che maggiormente s'avviene a loro essere di grande spese e di grande affare. Che condizioni à l'uomo che è di grande spesa e di grande affare, e che conviene maggior mente averle ai re ed ai prenzi. Che cosa è una virtù che l'uomo chiama magnanimità, cioè a dire virtù di grand'animo e in quali cose quella virtù di essere e come noi potemo essere di gran cuore. Quante condizioni à l'uomo che è di gran cuore, e che maggiormente si conviene ai prenzi d'averle. Come ei re e i prenzi debbono amare onore, o quale è la virtù che l'uomo chiama virtù d'amare opore. 68 Cap. XXV. Ca insegna che amare onore ed èssare umile possono essere insieme e che quelli che è di gran cuore e di grande animo non può essere senza umiltà. Che cosa é umiltà de la quale il filosafo parla e in quali cose ella die essere e che maggiormente conviene ai re ed ai prenzi essere umili. Che cosa è la virtù che l'uomo chiama dibuonairetà, ed in che cose la buonairetà die essere e che conviene ai re ed a i prenzi essere dibonarie. Che cosa è una virtù che l'uomo chiama piacevolezza, cioè di sapere CONVERSARE PIACEVOLMENTE e in che cose la detta virtù die essere e che si conviene che i re e i preozi sieno piacevoli. Che cosa è verità e in che cosa ella die essere usata e come si conviene al principe ch'esse sia veritiero o sincero. Che cosa è una virtù che l'uomo chiama sollazzevole, quasi dica di sapere sollazzare, e di essere allegro e gioioso, là ' ve si conviene, e per la quale' l'uomo si sa avvenevolmente rallegrare nei sollazzi, come ei re e i prenzi debbono essere allegri e sollazze voli. Conviene al principe avere tutte le virtù, perciò che perfettamente l’uomo non ne può avere una senza le altre. Quante maniere sono di buoni e adi malvagi uomini e quale maniera di bontà ei re e i prenzi debbono avere. Delle passione. Quanti movimenti d'animo sono e donde essi vengono. Quali movimenti d'animo sono principali che gli altri e come essi sono ordinate. Come il principe debbe amare e quali cose debbe amare. Come il principle debbe desiderare e che cosa debbe desiderare. Come ei re e i prenzi si debbono portare ayvenevolmente in isperare e in disperare. Come avvenevolmente ei re si debbono portare in avere ardimento. Che differenza elli à intra corruccio e odio, e come ei te e i prenzi si debbono avvene volmente contenere nei corrucci e ne le di bonarietà. Come ei re e i prenzi si deb bono ayvenevolmente avere nei diletti. Come alcuni movimenti d'animo sono mantenuti e ritornano ad alcuni altri movimenti. Ched ei movimenti dell'animo alcuni sono da biasmare ed alcuni sono da lodare e come ei re e i prenzi si debbono conferire nei movimenti detti dinanzi. Della costume. Quale costume e quale maniere de giovani uomini fanno da lodare, e come il principe debbe avere essa costume ed essa maniera. Quali costumi e quali maniere dei giovani uomini fanno da biasmare, e come e i prenzi debbono ischiſare cotali maniere e cotali co stumi. Quali costumi e quali maniere dei uomini fanno da biasmare, come ei re e i prenzi ei debbono ischifare. Quali costumi e quali maniere dei uomini fanno da lodare. Che costume e che maniera ha il gentile uomo, e come il principe debbe avere. Che costumi e che maniere anno l’uomo ricco e come ei re e i prenzi ei debbono. Che modi e che maniere ánno coloro che sono possenti ed anno signorie, e come li re e li principi si debbono avere in verso la gente convenevolmente. Avere. DEL GOVERNO DELLA FAMIGLIA. Della moglie. L'uomo die naturalmente vivare in compagnia, e che i re i prenzi il debbono sapere. Che, acciò che la casa sia perfetta, si vi conviene avere quattro maniere di persone, e come e' conviene questo secondo libro divisare in tre parti. Quella casa è perfetta ove v'à assembramento di un uomo e di una femmina, un figliuolo, e servi. L'uomo naturalmente si die ammogliare e che quelli che non vogliono vivare in matrimonio, o elli posono bestia, o ellino sono migliori che l’uomo. Ciascuno uomo e ciascuna femmina, e medesimamente ei re e i prenzi che sono ammogliati, si debbono tenere in matrimonio senza partirsi o senza divídarsi. A ciascun uomo die bastare una femmina, e che i re e i prenzi e ciascun altro uomo si die tenere appagato a una femmina. Un uomo die bastare a una femmina, e che una femmina si die chiamare contenta d'un uomo. L’uomo non die prendare moglie la quale sia troppo presso a lui di parentato o di lignaggio. Come le moglie dei re e dei prenzi e di ciascuno altro uomo debbono avere abbondanza di beni temporali. Come nè i re né i prenzi, nė cia scuno altro uomo non debbe chiėdare solamente ei beni temporali delle loro mogli ma anco ei beni del CORPO e quelli dell'anima, e ciò e il bello e il casto. L’uomo non die governare nė tenere la moglie nella maniera ch'elli die tenere e governare il suo figliuolo. L’uomo non die tenere nė governare la moglie nella manera che l'uomo die tenere e governare e fanti. Che elli non si conviene nė ai re nè ai prenzi ned a nessuno altro uomo, ch'ellino usino il matrimonio in troppo giovano tempo. L’uomo die piuttosto fare l'opera del matrimonio nel verno che nella state. Come alcune cose sono nelle femmine che sono da biasmare. Come ei re e i prenzi e ciascuno altro uomo die avvenevolmente governare e addrizzare la moglie. Come gli uomini si debbono portare con le loro mogli. Come la femmina maritata deb bono convenevolmente adornare il loro corpo. Né I re ne i prenzi, nė li altri uomini, non debbano essere troppo gelosi delle loro mogli. Che cosa è ' l consiglio della femmina, e che 'l suo consiglio l'uomo non die credere se non in alcun tempo. Com’l’uomo non debbe dire il suo secreto alla sua moglie. Dei figli. Il padre die essere curioso di guardare il suo figliuolo. Che ciò s'avviene maggiormente ai re ed ai prenzi, cioè ch'ellino sieno guardatori e curiosi dei loro figliuoli. Il padre governa il suo figliuolo per L’AMORE ch'elli à in lui. L’AMORE NATURALE il quale die essere da padre a figliuolo prova sufficientemente che il padre debbe governare i suo figliuolo e il figliuolo debbe ubbidire il padre. Nel quale dice che i re e i prenzi e ciascuno altro uomo debbono da gioventudine insegnare la fede ai loro figliuoli. I re e i prenzi e ciascuno altro uomo debbono da gioventudine insegnare ed appréndare ei buoni costumi e le buone maniere ai loro figliuoli. Il figliuolo del gentile uomo debbe apprendere le scienze della chericia, ciò sono, morali, naturali e matematice. Quale arte il figliuolo di un gentile uomini debbe apprendere. Quale die ėssare il tutore del figliuolo di un gentile uomo. Il padre die insegnare al suo fanciullo a parlare e a vedere ed a udire. In quante maniere l'uomo puó peccare in mangiare e come il garzone si debbe contenere. Come il padre die insegnare al suo fanciullo acciò che si sappiano portar avvenevolmente nel bere e ne' diletto della femmina. Come il garzone si debbe contenere nel diletto del corpo. Come in giovanezza l'uomo die schifare le malvagie compagnie. Che guardia l’uomo die avere de' figliuoli da che sono nati, insino a’ sette anni. Che guardia l'uomo die avere de' fanciulli da sette anni fino a quattordici. Che guardia l'uomo die avere del figliuolo da quattordici anni innanzi. Che il padre non die insegnare al figliuolo uno medesimo travaglio di corpo. Della casa e dei servi. L'uomo die diterminare e parlare delle cose donde la vita umana può esser sostenuta, volendo governare la sua famiglia e la sua casa. Il casino della villa del’uomo, die esser fatto sottilmente ed in buon áire. Il casamento dei re e dei prenzi, e di ciascuno altro uomo, die esser fatto in luogo dove abbia abbondanza di buona acqua e di chiara. Naturalmente l’uomo die avere possessione in alcun modo e che quellino che rifiutano le possessioni, non vivono come uomini, anzi sono migliori che uomo. Elli è grande utilità alla vita umana, che l'uomo possa vivare della sua propria ricchezza. Come l'uomo die usare dei beni temporali, e quale maniera di vivare è buona e onesta. Nel quale dice che ciascuno uomo, e medesimamente ei re ei prenzi, non debbono desiderare troppo grande abbondanza di ricchezze ne di possessioni. Quante maniere elli sono di vendere e di comperare e perchè ei denari fuoro prima mente fatti e trovati. L'usura è generalmente malvagia, e ch'ei re ed i prenzi la debbono difendare ch’ella non sia fatta nella loro terra. Nel quale dice ch’ei sono diverse maniere di guadagnare denari e che alcuna di queste maniere è avve nevole ai re ed ai prenzi. Alcuna gente è serva per natura e ch'elli è loro utilità ch'ellino sieno suggetti ad altrui. Nel quale dice che alcune genti che sono servi per natura e per legge. Nel quale dice ch’ellino sono alcune genti le quali sono serve per prezzo ed alcuna gente che servono per l’amore ch’elli ánno ai suo signore. L'uomo die dare gli ufici ai suoi fanti nelle case dei re e dei prenzi. Come ei re e i prenzi debbono provvedere ai loro sergenti robe e vestimento. Che cosa é cortesia e ched e' conviene ai fanti dei re e dei prenzi ched ellino sia cortese Nel quale dice come ei re e i prenzi si debbono contenere inverso ei loro sergenti. Che quelli che servono e quelli che mangiano alla tavola dei re e dei prenzi, e generalmente che il gentile uomo non debbe molto favellare. DEL GOVERNO CIVILE. Detti dei filosofi nel governamento delle città. Nel quale dice che la villa e ordinata e stabilita per alcuno bene. Fu grande utilità alla vita umana che colla comunità della villa e delle città, li uomini ordinassero la comunità del reame. Nel quale dice ceme Platone e Socrate dissero che l’uomo dovea ordinare e governare le città. Nel quale insegna che i re e i prenzi debbono sapere che tutte le cose non debbono essere COMUNE siccome Platone e Socrate dissero. Nel quale dice quanti mali avverrebbero se il figliouolo fusse comune. Nel quale dice come la possessione debbe essere proprie, e come debbono essere comuni, secondo l'utilità delle ville e delle città. I re ei prenzi non debbono sofferire che una medesima gente duri sempre in una medesima signoria. Nel quale dice che l'uomo non die cosi ordinare la città come Socrate disse, che dovieno essere ordinate. Come l'uomo può trarre a buono intendimento le parole che Socrate disse, al governa mento delle città. Come un filósafo, ch'ebbe nome Fal lea, disse, che l'uomo dovea ordinare le città. Le possessioni non debbono essere eguali, siccome disse Fallea. Come quelli che signoreggia alcuna città, elli die più principalmente intendare a cessare le malvagie volontà e i malvagi desideri e convoitigine, ched elli non die intendere a cessare la disuguaglianza delle possessiono. Nel quale dice, come un filósafo ch'ebbe nome Ippodamo, disse che l’uomo dovea ordinare le città. Nel quale dice quali cose sono da riprendare in quello che Ippodamo disse del governamento della comunità. Della migliore maniera di governare le città. Il quale insegna come l’uomo die governare le città in tempo di pace, e quante cose l’uomo die guardare in cotale governamento. Quante maniere sono di signorie e quali sono buone e quali sono rie. Ched o' val meglio che le città e ' rea mi sieno governati e retti per un solo uomo che per molti e che quest' è la migliore signoria che sia quando un solo uomo signoreggia ed elli intende il bene comune. Nel quale dice per quali ragioni alcuna gente volsero provare ched e’ valeva meglio che le terre e le città fossero governale per molti uomini che per un solo e dice in questo capitolo ciò che si die rispóndare a cotali ragioni. Ched e' val meglio che le terre e le signorie e' reami vadano per redità per successione DEL FIGLIOUOLO che per elezione. Nel quale dice quali sono le cose ne le quali il re die sormontare gli altri, e che diversità elli à intra'l re 'e'l tiranno. Nel quale dice che la signoria del tiranno è la peggiore signoria che sia e che i re ei prenzi si debbono molto guardare ch'ellino non sieno tiranni. Quale dia esser l'ufficio dei re e dei prenzi, e com’essi si debbono contenere in governare le loro città e i loro reami. Quali sono le cose che’ l buono re die fare, le quali il tiranno mostra di fare ma non le fa nèmica. Nel quale dice per quante cautele il tiranno si sforza di guardare sė ne la sua signoria. Ched elli è molto isconvenevole cosa ai re ed ai prenzi ched ellino sieno tiranni, perciò che tutte le malizie che sono nell’altre malvagie signorie, sono ne là signoria del tiranno. Nel quale dice che i re e i prenzi debbono molto ischifare la compagnia del tiranno, perciò che per molte cose ei soggetti aguaitano ed assaliscono il loro signore quand’elli é tiranno. Nel quale dice quali cose guardano e salvano la signoria del re e ched e'conviene fare al re sed e' si vuole guardare ne la sua signoria e nel suo reame. Quali cose fanno a consigliare e di quali l'uomo die avere consiglio. Nel quale dice che cosa è consiglio, e come l'uomo die fare ei consigli. Nel quale dice che consiglieri ei re e i preozi debbono avere ai loro consigli. Nel quale dice quante cose conviene sapere a quellino che consigliano ei re e i prenzi e in quali cose l’uomo die préndare consiglio. Nel quale dice che tutte le cose donde l’uomo giudica, l'uomo die giudicare secondo le leggi e che l’uomo die fare pochi giudicamenti e dare poche sentenze per arbitrio o per credenza. Nel quale dice come l’uomo dic fare ei giudicamenti: e ch’e giudici debbono vetare che li uomini che piateggiano non dicano parole dinanzi al giudice che’l possa muovere ad amore nè ad odio contra ad alcuna de le parti. Nel quale dice quante cose conviene avere a’giudicatori a ciò ch’ellino giudichino bene e drittamente. Nel quale dice quante e quali cose conviene riguardare al giudice, acciò ch’elli perdoni e sia più di buonarie che crudele. Nel quale dice ched e’ sono diverse maniere di leggi e diverse maniere di giustizia e che al dritto natu rale ed al diritto iscritto tutti gli altri dritti sono ridotti e ramenali. Quali debbono esser le leggi umane e ched elli fu grande utilità ai reami ed a le città a fare cotali leggi. Nel quale dice che ciascuno non die némica istabilire nė ordinare le leggi; e ched e' conviene che le leggi sieno publicate é fạtte sapere acciò ch’ell’abbiano forza d’obbligare le genti. Quante opere e quali le leggi ch'ei re e i prenzi istabiliscono ed ordinano, debbono contenere. Nel quale dice quale vale meglio o che le città o i reami sieno governati per un buono re o per una buona legge. Nel quale dice che co la legge naturale e co la legge iscritta e' conviene che l’uomo abbia la legge di Dio e la legge del Vangelo. Come l’uomo può, si die guardare le leggi del paese e ch'elli non è utile ch'elle si rimutino ispesso. Nel quale dice che cosa è città e che cosa è reame e chénte die essere il popolo ch’è ne le città e ne' reami. Nel quale dice che allora è la città e’l reame trasbuono e 'l popolo trasbuono, quand’elli v’à molte di mezzane persone. Nel quale dice ched elli é grande utilità al popolo di portare grande riverenza al prenze ed al signore e ched ellino guardino diligentemente le leggi che i re e i prenzi ánno ordinate. Come il popolo e generalmente tutti quelli che dimorano nel reame, si debbono mante nere saviamente, acciò che’l re o’l prenze non abbia corruccio nė odio contra loro. Come ei re ei prenzi si deb bono mantenere, acciò ch'ellino sieno amati e temuti dal lor popolo. Ed insegna questo capitolo che tutto debbiano ei re ei prenzi esser amati e temuti dal lor popolo, ellino debbono maggiormente volere essere amati che temuti. Del governo in tempo di guerra. Che cosa è cavalleria e da ch'ella é ordinate. Nel quale insegna in quale terra sono e’migliori combattieri e quali l’uomo die iscegliere per combattere dell’uomini che debbono andare a la battaglia. In quale tempo l'uomo die acco stumare il fanciullo all' opere dela battaglia e per quali segni l'uomo può conosciare ei migliori battaglieri. Nel quale insegna quante cose e quali e' conviene avere a' buoni battaglieri, acciò ch'ellino si combattano bene e giustamente. Nel quale insegna quali sono migliori battaglieri o i gentili uomini, oi villani, o quellino che nel campo dimorano, ciò sono ei lavoratori. Nel quale insegna ch’elli è grande utilità ai baltaglieri chedellino sieno bene esercitati all'arme; e che l’uomo die ei battallieri apprendare a correre ed a saltare ed andare ordinatamente. Nel quate insegna ched e’si conviene appréndare ai battaglieri molte altre cose che quelle che sono dette, cioè a córrare ed assaltare ed andare ordinatamente. Nel quale insegna che l’uomo die fare nell’oste fossati e castelli. Ed insegna questo capitolo come l’uomo die fare ei castelli e quante cose l’uomo die guardare in farli. Nel quale dice quante cose l’uomo die guardare quand’elli vuole o die imprèndare battaglia comune. Nel quale dice ch’elli è grande utilità ne le battaglie di portare bandiere e gonfaloni: e che l’uomo die ordinare capitano e maggiore a ciascuna ischiera. E so - nemici migliantemente questo capitolo insegna quali debbono essere e banderari e i capitani di quelli a piè e di quelli a cavallo. Nel quale dice che avvedimenti die avere e che die fare il signore dell’oste acciò che la sua gente non possa essere gravata dai nemici per la via. Nelquale dice come l’uomo die ordinare le schiere e le battaglie, quando l’uomo si die combattere contra I Nel quale insegna che l'uomo die ferire il suo nemico nello battaglia di puntone e non di ramata. Nel quale dice quante cose fanno gli avversari più forte che quelli dell’oste é come l’uomo die assalire ei suoi nemici. Nel quale insegna come ei battallieri si debbono tenere quando vogliono ferire ei loro nemici, e com’ellino ei debbono inchinare e come l'uomo si die trarre in drieto quando la battaglia non porta utilità. Nel quale insegna quante maniere ei sono di battaglie; e in quanti modi l’uomo può prendare le città e le castella ed in che tempo l’uomo le die assediare. Come quelli dell'oste si debbono fornire e come l'uomo può vénciare le castella per cava. Come per l’ingegni del legno che l'uomo può menare al muro del castello, l’uomo lo può prendare. Come l’uomo può e die edificare le castella acciò ch'elle non sieno leggermente prese ně come l'uomo può e die guérnire le castella acciò ch'elle non possano esser prese. Nel quale dice come quelli che sono nel castello assiso possono e debbonsi difendersi da la cava e dai tra bocchi e dalli altri ingegni che quellino dell'oste vi fanno. Come l'uomo die fare le navi, e come l'uomo si die combattere nell'acqua o nel mare, da che cosa tutte le battaglie debbono essere ordinate assediate. Che cosa è una virtù che l’uomo chia ma piacevolezza, cioè di sapere CONVERSARE piacevolmente con le genti, e in che cose la detta virtù die essere, e che si conviene che i re e i prenzi sieno piacevoli. Appresso ciò che noi avemo detto che cosa è debonarietà, noi diremo d’un'altra virtù, che l’uomo chiama piacevolezza. E dovemo sapere che le opere e le parole dell'uomo sono ordinate a tre cose, si come ad avere piacevolezza e verità, ed avere diletti e giuochi nei solazzi e nelle allegrezze. LA PRIMA RAGIONE: E la piacevolezza si è, in SAPERE BENE CONVERSARE, unde quelli che sa onorare e riverire gli uomini convene volmente e secondo ragione, si à la virtù della piacevolezza. La SECONDA ragione si è, che le opere e le parole dell’uomo sono ordinate sie a verità che, per le opere e per le parole dell'uomo può l'altro uomo conosciare chi egli è (“Conversation maketh the man”). Donde, verità non è altro se non che l'uomo non sia vantatore e che nè per parole nè per fatti elli non dimostri maggior cosa in lui che vi sia, nè che l'uomo non si faccia ispiacevole nè per parole nè per fatti oltre quello che ragione insegna, perchè elli sia gabbato ne dispregiato. La TERZA RAGIONE a che l'opere e le parole dell'uomo sono ordinate, si è, acciò che l'uomo sia sollazzevole convenevolmente, e si sappia bene portare nei giochi, e nelle allegrezze e nei sollazzi. Donde, se l'uomo vuole CONVENEVOMENTE CONVERSARE e' die essere giochevole e piace vole e veritiere. E di queste tre virtù noi diremo partitamente, ma prima diremo della piacevolezza. E dovemo sapere che, NEL CONVERSARE, alcuni si mostrano troppo piacevoli, si come sono e lusinghieri, e quelli che’n ogne cosa vogliono piacere altrui, che acciò che piacciano altrui, si lo dano tutti ei fatti è tutti ei detti di ciascuno uomo. E alcuni sono, che anno troppo gran difalta NEL CONVERSARE co le genti, si come sono ei malvagi e quellino che sono battaglieri, e tenzonieri; e questi fanno contra a ragione. Chè neuno die volere essere si piacevole nè si compagnevole, ch’elli ne do venti o ne sia lusinghieri, e piacere a tutti gli uomini, nė neuno die essere si pieno di contenzione e di noia, che li con venga cessare della compagnia delli uomini, ma quelli è da lodare che si sa mezzanamente portare e secondo ragione, nel CONVERSARE. Donde la virtù che l’uomo chiama piacevolezza cessa la contenzione dell'uomo e tempera il lusingare, e quello per lo quale l'uomo vuole a tutti gli uomini piacere. E perciò che l'uomo è per natura compagnevole, si come dice il filosafo, si conviene dare una virtù per la quale ne le parole e nei fatti sappia CONVERSARE COOPERATIVAMENTE E convenevolmente e secondo ragione. E questa virtù che l'uomo chiama piacevolezza, tutto sie cosa che, tutti quelli che vogliono essere piacevoli e vivare in cooperazione, compagnia ed in comunità con l’altro, conviene ch'elli abbiano, acciò che siamo cortesi e piacevoli, non perciò debbiamo essere si cortesi ne si piacevoli ad uno come un altro: chè la dritta ragione insegna, che, secondo la diversità dei due conversatori, l'uomo si die portare in maniera appropriata con l’altro. E perciò che troppa amistà e troppa gran compagnia mostrare ad ogni uomo fa l’uomo ispiacevole e vile; il gentile uomo si debbe più alteramente contenere che l’altro, acció che l'uomo lor porti più onore e più reverenza, e che la dignità de la loro grandezza non sia abbassata nè avvilata. Donde il filosafo dice che i re e i prenzi debbono mostrare ch’ellino sieno persone degne d’onore e di reverenza. Chè si come noi vedemo che alcuna vianda fuôra soperchio a uno infermo che non basterebbe ad uno sano, cosi è nell'essere piacevole e cortese, che alcuna piacevolezza s’aviene a’re secondo ragione, che non s’aviene cosi ad un’altra persona comune. L’Enciclopedia italiana cura l’edizione critica del “Il regime del principe”, testimoniato da nove manoscritti, tra cui il codice della Biblioteca di Firenze (sig, che si distingue sia per motivi cronologici (nell’explicit reca la data) sia per la veste linguistica, in prevalenza senese, verosimilmente molto vicina a quella dell’originale, ciò che lo rende un documento di lingua privilegiato rispetto alle coeve attestazioni di varietà toscane non fiorentine tra fine Due- e inizio Trecento. L’opera discende dal “Il regime del principe”, composto da Colonna filosofo tra i più autorevoli della sua epoca, nato a Roma. Dedicato a un principe, di cui Colonna fu tutore e ispirato alla Retorica, la Etica, e la Politica di Aristotele, esuddiviso in tre libri concernenti la “morale», ossia l’etica (disciplina dell’individuo), l’oeconomia (della casa), e la politica (della città o reame o villa) - è il più corposo trattato basso-medievale sul regime del ‘gentile uomo’ ed ebbe non solo una straordinaria fortuna in Italia fino a tutto il XV secolo come elogio della cavalleria. Esercita una notevole influenza sul Convivio, sul “De vulgari eloquentia” e sulla “Monarchia” di Alighieri. “E lasciando lo figurato che di questo diverso processo dell’etadi tiene Virgilio nello Eneida, e lasciando stare quello che Egidio eremita [il filosofo appartenne all’Ordine degli Eremitani di Sant’Agostino ne dice nella prima parte dello Regime del Gentile Uomo. L’ampia Introduzione, oltre a tracciare il profilo biografico di Egidio illustrando contenuto, fonti e storia della ricezione del suo capolavoro, esamina nei dettagli il debito di Alighieri, la fortuna figurative o iconografica del trattato (l’affresco giottesco della Cappella degli Scrovegni di Padova, precisamente nella Virtù; l’Allegoria ed Effetti del Buono Governo realizzata da Lorenzetti a Siena, specie nella particolare raffigurazione della giustizia commutativa e la giustizia distributiva alla sinistra dell’affresco -- i rapporti tra il De regime e il Livre dou gouvernement (una drastica riduzione non sempre perspicua, di cui sono noti trentasei manoscritti) e tra questo e il Livro del governamento, la prima traduzione, pur parziale, di opere che solo successivamente furono volgarizzate nella loro interezza, ad opera di un anonimo senese, come avevano già ipotizzato, tra gli altri, Segre e Castellani. Inoltre si auspica - e intanto s’imposta in modo acuto e pregnante - un commento dedicato alle fonti del “Regime”, ormai indispensabile alla luce della ri-valutazione della filosofia nel vernacolare tra Medioevo e Rinascimento portata avanti dalla bibliografia più recente. Grazie infatti agli studi degli ultimi due decenni, siamo oggi più informati sui modi in cui la cultura vernacolare interagì con quella antica, bolognese, tradizionalmente ritenuta ‘più alta’, e sul diverso pubblico, dichiarato o reale, cui si indirizzava la trattatistica filosofica dei secoli dal XIII-XIV in avanti. Infine, si passano in rassegna le altre versioni del De regimine (quella senese è bensì la più antica, ma non l’unica: se ne conoscono almeno altre cinque). Nella parte prima della Nota al testo si dà conto della tradizione manoscritta dei testimoni completi e dei testimoni parziali (descrizione esterna, descrizione interna, bibliografia), offrendo dati preziosi sulla tradizione a stampa del De regimine e sulle edizioni del Governamento. Nella parte seconda si indicano i criterî di edizione e gli usi del copista. L’appendice prima alla Nota al testo raccoglie le aggiunte inter-lineari e marginali al Governamento del manoscrito fiorentino, mentre in una seconda appendice si riportano alcune annotazioni sulle relazioni fra i testimoni del Governamento. La prima e fondamentale caratteristica della tradizione è che tutti i mss. paiono al tempo stesso testimoni molto vicini tra loro tanto che è dimostrabile la presenza di un archetipo a monte della tradizione, ma non per questo facilmente classificabili nei loro rapporti reciproci, principalmente perché spesso contaminati dal ricorso alla versione nella lingua antica. Il secondo volume è interamente dedicato allo spoglio linguistico sistematico sull’intero testo, tendente per quanto possibile «all’esaustività delle allegazioni per ciascuna forma»: grafia, fonetica, morfologia, sintassi. Chiudono il volume un ricco repertorio bibliografico e gl’indici onomastico, toponomastico, dei nomi e dei manoscritti. Grice: “Poor Ockham is known as Ockham – god knows, but he is not telling, what his surname was, if any! On the other hand, the rather pompous Romans have Egidio as a ‘Colonna,’ even if, as the Treccani notes, ‘the links with the Roman family are unclear’!” -- Romano: Egidio Romano, arcivescovo della Chiesa cattolica Filip4 Gilles de RomeEgidio Romano e Filippo il Bello (miniatura di un codice medievale). Template-Archbishop.svg Incarichi ricopertiArcivescovo di Bourges Roma Nominato arcivescovo25 aprile 1295 Deceduto22 dicembre 1316, Roma. C., latinizzato come C., indicato anche come C. (Roma), filosofo. Generale dell'Ordine di Sant'Agostino. Dopo la sua morte, gli sono tributati i titoli onorifici di Doctor fundatissimus e Theologorum princeps. È discepolo d’Aquino a Parigi, dove insegna, prima di diventare generale degl’agostiniani e arcivescovo di Bourges. È inoltre il precettore di Filippo il Bello per il quale scrive il trattato De regimine principum, sostenendo l'efficacia della monarchia come forma di governo. -- è considerato tra i più autorevoli filosofi di ispirazione agostiniana, attivo anche nella vita intellettuale e politica in un contesto culturale ed istituzionale travagliato da frequenti ed aspre polemiche sul problema del rapporto tra potere temporale e potere spirituale. Questo filosofo è generalmente ricordato, insieme al prediletto allievo VITERBO (si veda), per il contributo nella redazione della celebre bolla Unam Sanctam di Bonifacio e per il ruolo significativo che assunse il maestro degl’eremitani d’Agostino quale autore del De Ecclesiastica potestate e, dunque, quale teorico famoso e autorevole della plenitudo potestatis pontificia. In C. rileviamo subito una compresenza del duplice atteggiamento dottrinale e politico. Infatti è possibile rintracciare il De regimine principum, scritto per Filippo il Bello e di ispirazione aristotelico-tomista (AQUINO (si veda)) inerente alla naturalità dello stato italiano, erigendola a difensore della potestas regale. Nel De Ecclesiastica potestate, invece, C. afferma la superiorità del sacerdotium rispetto al REGNVM, distinguendosi quale rappresentante della teocrazia papale. La riscoperta del LIZIO e l'agostinismo politico In seguito alle condanne di Tempier. C. difende la tesi d’AQUINO, per la sua qualifica di bacca-laureus BACCA-LAVREVS -- formatus, ma, proprio a causa delle condanne stesse, viene sospeso dall'insegnamento. Gl’avversari del papato trovano nel pensiero del LIZIO gli strumenti per svolgere un'analisi politica che mette in discussione la sacralità del potere. Dall'altra parte troviamo l'influenza della corrente speculativa dell'agostinismo politico (ossia quel fenomeno di compenetrazione fra stato italiano e Chiesa, all'interno del quale Agostino viene a giocare un ruolo fondamentale dal momento che l'apporto teorico del suo De Civitate Dei conduce a confusioni inevitabili fra il piano spirituale della Civitas Dei Cælestis e il piano temporale della vita terrena che è ROMA CIVITAS PEREGRINA), che ripropone la teoria delle due città e riafferma la superiorità del sacerdotium rispetto al REGNVM, costituendo un vero e proprio partito del Papa. C. rivendica la plenitudo potestatis come proprietà costitutiva dell'auctoritas del papa in quanto homo spiritualis. C. sostituisce al concetto agostiniano di ecclesia, quello di REGNVM al fine di estendere gl’ambiti del potere del SOVRANO ecclesiastico. Il SOVRANO ecclesiastico, il papa, dove esercitare la sua sovranità anche sul POTERE TEMPORALE al fine di garantire l'ordine mediante una forma di DOMINIVM che coincida con la sua stessa missione spirituale. Opere: Frontespizio delle In secundum librum sententiarum quaestiones L'edizione critica dell'opera omnia è stata intrapresa, per Leo S. Olschki, (Aegidii Romani opera omnia, collana Corpus Philosophorum Medii AeviTesti e Studi), dal gruppo di ricerca di Francesco Del Punta. Quaestio de gradibus formarum, Ottaviano Scoto (eredi), Boneto Locatello, In secundum librum sententiarum quaestiones, 1, Francesco Ziletti. In secundum librum sententiarum quaestiones, Ziletti, Opere, Antonio Blado, In libros De physico auditu Aristotelis commentaria, Ottaviano Scoto (eredi), Boneto Locatello, De materia coeli, Girolamo Duranti, Quodlibeta, Domenico de Lapi. TreccaniEnciclopedie on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana. Lambertini, Giles of Rome, Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford,. Briggs e Eardley, A Companion to C., Leiden, Brill,. Silvia Donati, Studi per una cronologia delle opere di Egidio Romano: I. Le opere prima: I commenti aristotelici. "Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale", Gian Carlo Garfagnini, Egidio Romano, in Il contributo italiano alla storia del Pensiero: Filosofia, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana,. Francesco Del Punta-S. Donati-C. Luna, C., in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana. Filippo Cancelli, Egidio Romano, in Enciclopedia dantesca, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, Papa Bonifacio VIII Teocrazia C. su Treccani Enciclopedie on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana. Ugo Mariani, C., in Enciclopedia Italiana, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana. Egidio Romano, su Enciclopedia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. su ALCUIN, Ratisbona. Opere di Egidio Romano, su openMLOL, Horizons Unlimited srl. su Egidio Romano, su Les Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge. C., in Catholic Encyclopedia, Robert Appleton Company. Cheney, Egidio Romano, in Catholic Hierarchy. Lambertini, Giles of Rome, in Edward N. Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford. Biografia a cura dell'associazione storico-culturale S. Agostino, su cassiciaco. Predecessore Arcivescovo metropolita di BourgesSuccessoreArchbishopPallium PioM.svg Simone di Beaulie Raynaud de La Porte. NUMISMATIC NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS. ITALIAN ORDERS OF CHIVALRY AND MEDALS OF HONOUR GILLINGHAM THE NUMISMATIC SOCIETY Wonr nl PUBLICATIONS The Journal of Numismatics. With many plates, illustrations, maps and tables. Less than a dozen complete sets of the Journal remain on hand. Prices on application. The numbers necessary to complete broken sets may in most cases be obtained. An index to the first fifty volumes has been issued as part of Volume LI. It may also be purchased separately. The American Numismatic Society. Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Contemporary Medals. March. New and revised edition. The Numismatic Society. Exhibition of Colonial Coins. NUMISMATIC NOTES & MONOGRAPHS Numismatic Notes and Monographs is devoted to essays and treatises on subjects relating to coins, paper money, medals and decorations, and is uniform with Hispanic Notes and Monographs published by The Hispanic Society of America, and with Indian Notes and Monographs issued by the Museum of the American Indian Heye Foundation. Publication Committee Baldwin Brett, Chairman Russell Drowne Reilly, Jr. Editorial Staff Noe, Editor Wood, Associate Editor Earle, Assistant . Italy (savoy) Order of the Most Sacred Annunciation Plaque ITALIAN ORDERS OF CHIVALRY AND MEDALS OF HONOUR. GILLINGHAM. THE NUMISMATIC SOCIETY Press of The Lent & Graff Co. ITALIAN ORDERS OF CHIVALRY AND MEDALS OF HONOUR Gillingham. Students have always found the coinage of Italy of more than passing interest, and the country of the early Romans is still a far from exhausted field of numismatic research. Few sections of Europe have had such a varied history. Few have been more ought over. Greeks, Romans, Vandals, Goths, Franks, Germans, Normans, Spaniards, Austrians and the Papal Authorities have had a hand in the mismanagement of the country’s affairs, and all have left traces of their influence, but nowhere more definitely than in the field of numismatics. The changing coinage has always been interesting, and the publication of the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum, undertaken by His Majesty, Victor Emmanuel III, is a magnificent demonstration of the value of numismatic research. In the time of OTTAVIANO, Italia is divided into sections. In the feudal period many of these had been governed for centuries by members of the same family. It is a normal condition for these clans to wage war one upon the other, and this state of affairs exists almost uninterruptedly until the middle of the Nineteenth Century. The destinies of Italy were decided in the cabinets and on the battle-fields of Northern Europe—a Bourbon at Versailles, a Haps- burg at Vienna or a thick-lipped Lorrainer, with the stroke of his pen, wrote off province against province, regarding not the popula¬ tion who had bled for him or thrown them¬ selves upon his mercy.” Through it all, the Papacy has exerted a powerful influence. In the early period such a shifting of control was not to the best interests of the inhabitants. The Kingdom of Italy, as we know it today, did not exist, of course, until 1870. With the fall of the French Empire under Napoleon III, the assistance of France was no longer available, and Rome came under the dominion of Victor Emmanuel. All of that gieat mountainous peninsula was united and free. For over seventy years the country has been governed by a Prince of the House of Savoy. Its population has pros¬ pered more during that period than for many preceding centuries. These changing conditions were not with¬ out effect upon the organisations which we class as Orders of Knighthood. Many of the Orders of Chivalry founded by the Ducal or Princely rulers of Italy were named for their patron saints. It has seemed expedient in this article to treat of the Orders and Decorations of all of these changing principalities separately. Insofar as is possible, any repetition which this course involves has been avoided. Lucca, the most northern province of Tuscany, lies between the Apennines and the Mediterranean Sea. Its principal city, Lucca, on the River Sarchio, is famous for a remarkable bridge which is said to have been built about 1000 A.D. From the time of the Narses, in the Sixth Century, Lucca was an important city. Here and at Pisa, the earliest Italian school of painting flourished in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Lucca became an autonomous commune from the death of Matilda (1115). In 1314 Uguccione della Faggiola seized the reins of Government, but later he was superseded by the powerful Castruccio Castracani. Louis of Bavaria, after having occupied it by his troops, sold it to a Genoese banker, Gherardo Spinola; it was seized by John, King of Bohemia, pawned by him to the Rossi of Parma, sold to Florence, relin¬ quished to Pisa, nominally liberated by Charles IV (Emperor of Germany, 1346- 1^78) and governed by his vicar. Lucca, MEDALS OF HONOUR 5 subjected to endless vicissitudes, managed first as a democracy and after 1628 as an oligarchy, to maintain its independence, alongside of Venice and Genoa, and painted the word “Libertas” on its banner until the French Revolution. In 1805, Napoleon I gave Lucca to his sister Eliza, who had married Bacciochi. It was occupied by the Neapolitans in 1814, and from 1816 to 1847 it was the Duchy of Maria Louisa of Parma (who married her cousin, Charles IV of Spain), and was ruled by her son, Charles Louis. It later formed one of the provinces of Tuscany. Under the rule of the Lombard Dukes, Lucca possessed a coinage of its own. MILITARY ORDER OF SAINT GEORGE OF LUCCA. Duke Charles Louis Ferdi¬ nand, a Spanish Bourbon, founded this Order on June 1, 1833. It was called Or dine di San Giorgio per il Merito Militare, and was awarded for military services to the Duchy. It was also issued to officers and privates whose service exceeded three years. The Decoration is a Maltese cross, enam¬ elled white. It is edged with gold for the first class, with silver for the second, while for the third class it is silver without the enamel. In the centre is a white medallion, upon which there is a gold figure of St. George slaying the dragon, surrounded by the words AL MERITO MI LI TARE on a green band. The reverse shows the initials of the founder, C.L., crowned, and the date 183J. The ribbon is bright red with a white stripe. ORDER OF SAINT LOUIS. Founded on December 22, 1836, by Duke Charles Louis, and awarded for civil merit. It was reorganized in 1849 by his son, Charles III, Duke of Parma, a Bourbon, for Civil and Military service; it is, therefore, classed with the Orders of Parma also. See page 19. The badge of the first class is a white- enamelled cross, with heavy gold lines and with a large fleur-de-lis at the tip of each cross-arm. The obverse bears a shield upon which is an effigy of Saint Louis in golden armour; the reverse has a shield bearing the Bourbon crest of three lilies. The second class cross is of silver and white enamel, NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. 1 Parma Order of Saint Louis while the third is all silver but without the crown. The ribbon is blue with a yellow stripe on either side. MEDAL FOR MILITARY SERVICE. Created on June i, 1833, for officers who had served over thirty years, and called the Medaglia di Anzianita. The obverse bears a gilt Maltese cross with the initials C.L. and a crown above; on the reverse are the Roman figures XXX, denoting the years of service. The ribbon is blue, with yellow stripes— four of the former and three of the latter. CIVIL MEDAL OF MERIT. This Dec¬ oration was also instituted by Duke Charles Louis. It is of silver and bronze. The initials of the founder, C.L. intertwined, ap¬ pear on the obverse, and the reverse has inscribed thereon the words, AI BEN EME¬ RITI DELLA SALUTE PUBBLICA. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR. Mutina, as Modena was then called, was a Roman colony. For more than twelve centuries there were constantly changing rulers. In 1288 A.D. Obizzo II (1240-1293), of the princely house of Este, received the lordship of Modena. The Este family was one of the oldest of Northern Italy, dating back to about 917 A.D. Through the marriage of an heiress of the house of Welf, of Bavaria, with a younger son of the house of Este, this family became connected with the houses of Brunswick and Hanover, from which are descended the Sovereigns of England, through the house of Guelph. At various periods, the Estensi received the sovereignties of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio. The male branch of the family lost the duchies of Modena and Reggio on the death of Hercules Rinaldo, who died in 1803. His only daughter, Maria, married Ferdinand of Austria, son of Francis I and Maria Theresa. Their son, Francis IV, in 1816 became the first Hapsburg duke of AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS Modena. He died in 1846, and when his son Francis V died in 1875, the male line of the Austrian Estensi became extinct and the title passed to Francis, son of Archduke Charles Louis. Members of the Este family and their descendants had held the Duchy of Modena almost continuously from 1288 until i860. In that year the territory by a plebescite was declared part of the King¬ dom of Italy. ORDER OF THE EAGLE OF ESTE. Founded by Francis V on December 27, 1855, and awarded for military and civil merit. The number of the members of the Order was limited to 20 for the Grand Cross, 40 for the Commander Class and 120 for the Class of the Knights. The decoration was surrendered on the death of the Knight. The insignia is a gold Maltese cross with gold knobs at the points, white-enamelled and edged with blue. Between the arms of the cross are gold scrolls, and the letters E.S.T.E. are distributed in the angles. On the blue medallion is the white-crowned eagle of the house of Este, surrounded by a NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. J L Modena Order of the Eagle of Este white-enamelled band, inscribed PROXIMA SOLI MDCCCLV. The reverse centre of white enamel bears the figure of Saint Con- tardo holding a cross. It is surrounded by a blue-enamelled band bearing three stars and inscribed S. CON TARDUS ATESTI - NUS. The ribbon is white, edged with blue stripes. When awarded for military merit, the cross is surmounted by a trophy of arms; for civil merit, by an oak wreath. MILITARY MEDAL FOR LOYALTY. Francis IV, the first Hapsburg duke of Mo¬ dena (1816-1846), caused a medal to be struck and awarded to those of his troops who re mained faithful during the riot of February 4, 1831. This disturbance was organized by Ciro Menotti, and forced Francis IV to flee from his capital. It was thought by some that the Duke was in league with Menotti, but as the Duke caused Menotti to be put to death when the Revolution was suppressed, this is doubtful. The silver medal given to his supporting troops bears the inscription FIDELI MILIT 1 MDCCCXXXI. Within a wreath of laurel, NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 1 3 and below are two crossed swords. The reverse is inscribed FRA NCI SC US IV DUX MUTINAE. The ribbon has three stripes, equal in width; the middle one white, the side ones blue. CROSS FOR SERVICE. Authorized by Francis V, May 16, 1852. This medal was awarded to officers who had served 25 years under the banner of the house of Este. It is a silver cross with a gilt edge. In the centre is the white eagle of Este, surmounted by a crown and the letters F. V. The reverse bears the Roma n figures XX V. The cross is surmounted by the ducal crown, and the ribbon is white, edged with blue. MILITARY MEDAL OF MERIT. This decoration was created in 1852 for the junior officers and privates. It is silver. On the obverse appears a bust of the duke facing left, and the legend FRANCESCO V DUCA Dl MODENA EC. EC. ARCIDUCA D’AUS¬ TRIA ESTE EC. EC. On the reverse, within a laurel wreath, PEL MERITO MI LI TARE. The ribbon is blue, edged with white. AND MONOGRAPHS MEDAL OF FIDELITY. Francis V ap¬ pears to have been in a struggle with his subjects during most of the thirteen years of his reign. He was compelled to seek refuge in Austria in 1849, but he returned to Modena after the battle of Novara on March 24th of the same year. Ten years later he was again forced to flee. In i860 Modena became part of United Italy. To reward those of his subjects who had remained faithful to him during his exile, he created the Medal of Fidelity in 1863. It is bronze, 32mm. in diameter. On the obverse it bears the effigy of the duke and the inscription FRANCESCO V AUST. ATESTENUS DUX MUT 1 NAE ; on the reverse, the words FI DELI TATI ET CONSTANTIAE IN ADVERSIS MDCCCLXIIL surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves. The ribbon is of blue and white horizontal stripes, edged with blue and white. PARMA. Parma was the Eastern section of Gallia Cispadane at the time of Constantine. It lies in the Lombard plain, north of the Apennines, south of the River Po and west of Modena. For the first fifteen centuries of the Christian era, the many rulers of Parma were of various nationalities. The duchy came into the possession of the Far- nese family during the early part of the Six¬ teenth Century. Eight dukes of that family ruled over the destinies of its people. From Antonio, who died childless in 1731, the duchy passed to Charles of Bourbon (Don Carlos), Infante of Spain, who became King of Naples in 1735. Both Austria and Spain governed it at various times. At the Con¬ gress of Vienna in 1815, the duchy was granted to Marie-Louise (daughter of Fran¬ cis I of Austria), second wife of Napoleon I. She died in 1847. Spanish and Austrian rulers again came into possession. Charles III, a Bourbon and the grandson of Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia, reigned until his assassination. During the regency of his son Robert, Parma was incorporated in the Kingdom of Italy. ORDER OF CONSTANTINE. Authori¬ ties differ with regard to the date of the insti¬ tution of this Order. It has been said that it was founded by Constantine the Great about the year 313 A.D. Others give credit to thle Byzantine Emperor Isaac II (Isaac Angelus Comnenus), and fix the year as 1190. This seems the more probable date. The Order is also called the Order of Saint Angelus, the Order of the Golden Chevaliers, and the Military Order of Constantine of Saint George, it being under the patronage of that Saint and Martyr. Late in the Seventeenth Century its control appears to have been sold to Francis I (Francis of Farnese), Duke of Parma, who became the Grand Master. The Order came into high repute because of the rules he observed in its distribution, and also because of the large domains he conferred upon it, including the church of the Madonna della Steccata at Par¬ ma. Clark attributes its revival to Charles V. In 1734 or 1735, after the extinction of the male line of the Farnese family, the heir to the Duchy of Parma, Infante Don Carlos (son of Philip V of Spain and Elizabeth Far¬ nese), became the Grand Master. He trans¬ ferred the Order to Naples when he ascended that throne. It was abolished in Naples by Joseph Bonaparte in 1806 but continued in Sicily. Revived in 1814, it remained in existence until the unification of Italy. Owing to its transfer to Sicily, it is fre¬ quently classed among the Orders of the Two Sicilies. The members of the Order consist of Senators, Commanders, Knights, Serving- brothers and Squires. On August 8, 1922, the Count d’Caserta of the Austrian line of Bourbons, and a dis¬ tant cousin of the King of Italy through the female line, honoured one Michael Cangiano, the official Interpreter of the Superior Court of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Signor Can¬ giano was made a Knight of the Order of Constantine of Saint George of Parma and of Sicily. This indicates that the Order has been continued as a Family Order by the old rulers of those Duchies Pl. Ill Parma Order of Constantine MEDALS OF HONOUR 19 The insignia is a red-enamelled gold cross, fleurv. On the arms are the letters I.H.S. V. (In hoc signo vinces). In the centre is the Labarum, or Standard. Greek letters X and P crossed,and A (Alpha) and & (Omega). Harold Bayley, in his book entitled Lost Language of Symbolism, London, 1913, writes,—“The Latin P has the same form as the Greek letter named Rho. One of the most famous emblems of early Christianity— known as the Labarum, the seal of Con¬ stantine, or the Chi-Rho monogram—is the letter X surmounted by a P. The two letters Chi and Rho are assumed to read Chr, a contraction for the name Christ, but the symbol was in use long ages prior to Chris¬ tianity.” The first class members of the Order wear a gold figure of Saint George slaying the dragon, suspended from the cross. The ribbon is light blue moire. ORDER OF SAINT L OUIS. Charles III, Duke of Parma, revived this order at Parma, August 11, 1849, as an award of merit. His father Charles Louis (or Charles II) had originated the order in Lucca in 1836. There are five classes and the insignia is a cross, composed of four fleurs-de-lis, bound together by their leaves. On the centre of the obverse in a blue-enamelled shield are three gold lilies. On the reverse is a figure of St. Louis, surrounded by the motto DEUS ET DIES (God and light). The Grand Cross and that for Commanders and Cava¬ liers of the first class have a gold figure of St. Louis surmounted by a gold crown. The cross for the second class Cavaliers has a silver figure with a silver crown, and the fifth class is of enamelled silver without a crown. The ribbon is light blue and yellow. MEDAL OF MERIT. Founded during the reign of Marie Louise. Marie Louise was the mother of the Little King of Rome who, fortunately for Italy, never reigned. The medal is silver, 20 mm., and bears on the obverse, AI BENEMER- ENTI DEL PRINCIPE E DELLO STATO. On the reverse is the head of Marie Louise and the inscription, M. LOUIS ARCID. D. D. AUSTRIA DUCA DI PARMA PIAZ. E. GUAST. The ribbon is light blue and light red. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR # 21 SAN MARINO. When Marinus, the Dalmatian monk, and his companions settled in the Eastern Apennines, in the third century, they little thought they were establishing a community with such a future. For a long time San Marino was something like a buffer state, between hostile Italian dynasties in that vicinity. In 1631, the Independence of San Marino was acknowledged by the States of the Church. Napoleon I preserved its sep¬ arate existence in 1797, and Napoleon III protected it from the designs of Pope Pius IX in 1854. At the unification of Italy, 1859-1860, San Marino was still allowed its independence, and today it is the smallest Republic in Europe. ORDER OF CHIVALRY OF SAN MA¬ RINO. Sometimes called the Equestrian Order of San Marino, created on August 13, 1859, by the Council of the Republic, in commemoration of the fifteenth century of its foundation. The purpose of its founda- AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN DECORATIONS f Pl. IV San Marino Order of Chivalry of San Marino MEDALS OF HONOUR tion was to reward those who were promi¬ nent in the welfare of the country and its people. There are five grades: Grand Crosses, Grand Officers, Commanders, Offi¬ cers and Chevaliers. The badge or cross, which is surmounted by a gold crown, is a gold-edged, white-enamelled cross moline with a gold ball at the end of each arm. Be¬ tween the arms are four gold towers. The obverse centre bears the effigy of Saint Marino to left, surrounded by a blue band, inscribed SAN MARINO PROTETTORE. The reverse bears on a gold shield, in the cen¬ tre, the arms of the country—the three towers. The shield is surrounded by a blue band bearing the words MERITO CIVILE E MI LI TARE. The ribbon is of seven equal stripes, four of blue and three of white. The writer has four specimens of this cross. Two have full-faced busts of San Marino, with white hair and beard. One has a younger face to the left, with black beard and hair, while the fourth has a bust in gold, facing to the left, but on a white-enamelled field. Two of the specimens bear on the reverse MERITO CIVILE. Elvin and AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND Lawrence-Archer give the inscription as “Merito Militare,” while the Catalogue Musee de VArmte has it “Merito Civile.” Cappelletti and Puca, the Italian authori¬ ties, give the former wording, and the figure of San Marino facing to the left; and this, no doubt, is correct. MEDAL OF MERIT. Instituted on March 22, i860. This is octagonal in form and of gold, silver and bronze, according to the importance of its award. In the centre of the obverse is the Arms of the Republic, the three towers, within an oak and laurel wreath, below which is the word LIBERT AS; around this is, REPUBBLICA Dl SAN MARINO. On the reverse, within an oak wreath, is the word ANZIANITA if the pur¬ pose of the reward is military, or MERITO , if for civil award. The ribbon is light blue, edged with red. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 25 SARDINIA, SAVOY AND THE KINGDOM OF ITALY. Sardinia, one of the islands of the King¬ dom of Italy, is known to have been settled by the Carthaginians in 512 B.C. Thence¬ forward Romans, Vandals, Goths, Saracens, and the Genoese ruled the island. In the year 1325 A.D, the king of Aragon took pos¬ session. From that time until 1403 Sardinia was an Aragonese province. After the union of Aragon and Castile, it became Spanish and so remained until 1713, when it was ceded to Austria by the treaty of Utrecht. In 1720 it w r as given to Victor Amadeus II (1666-1732), Duke of Savoy, in exchange for the island of Sicily, and he became King of Sardinia; the title of King of Savoy was con¬ ferred upon him the same year. This title of King of Sardinia and Savoy continued until the unification of Italy in 1859-1860. MEDAL OF VALOUR. Created in 1793 by Victor Amadeus III (1727-1796), King of Sardinia. It is of gold and silver, 38 mm. AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS in diameter, and bears on the obverse a bust of the king facing to right and VITTORIO-AM ADEJJS III. The reverse has a wreath of oak leaves, within which is a tro¬ phy of arms and flags, and the words AL V A LORE. The ribbon is dark blue. About 1404 Amadeus VIII, (the first Duke of Savoy), extended his provinces. The teriitory over which he later reigned extend¬ ed from the Lake of Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the River Saone (in France) to ,the River Sesia in Italy. The Duchy of Savoy also included Nice. This section remained almost continually in the possession of the house of Savoy until i860. It is said that Napoleon III had a secret treaty with Count Cavour, the Italian states¬ man, before the French army went to assist the Sardinians to drive the Austrians from Northern Italy. At the Peace table, Savoy, the cradle of the house of that name, as well as Nice, was given to France. Of this set¬ tlement, Garibaldi is reported to have said, “That man (Cavour) has made me a foreigner in my own house.” Inasmuch as the Kingdom of Italy has NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 27 been ruled by princes of the house of Savoy, it seems proper to describe, in the subsequent pages, the decorations generally known as Italian Orders of Chivalry and Medals of Distinction. ORDER OF THE MOST SACRED ANNUNCIATION. This Order is the high¬ est in rank and most important of all the Italian Decorations. It ranks with the Golden Fleece of Spain and the Garter of England. Authorities differ as to its origin, though many of them give the year 1362 as the date of its foundation. In that year, the Order of the Neck Chain 01 Order of the Collar of Savoy was founded by Amadeus VI, Count Verde of Savoy. His grandfather, Amadeus V, called the Great, assisted the Knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem at Rhodes, and compelled the Turks, under Mahomet II, to abandon their siege of that island in 1310 or, as some state, in 1315. For this service Amadeus V was presented with a collar, bearing the let¬ ters F.E.R.T. Fortitudo ejus Rhodum tenuit (By his bravery Rhodes was held). He was also granted for his Arms, the use of the white cross of the Crusaders, which later became the Cross of Savoy (H. W. Finch- am’s “Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England”). Although authorities differ as to the exact meaning of these letters F.E.R.T., the above is the more generally accepted explanation, and is that given by Bernardo Giustinian, the Italian authority, in 1692. In 1518, new statutes were formu¬ lated for the Order by Charles III, Count of Savoy. At that time the name was changed to the Order of the Most Sacred Annuncia¬ tion. Several changes in the Order have been made by various Counts of Savoy since that time, among whom were Victor Emman¬ uel II in 1869 and Humbert I in 1889. There is but one class of Members—Chevaliers or Knights, whose number, exclusive of the Sovereign and Church Dignitaries and Princes, is limited. They must also be of the Roman Catholic faith. The insignia consists of a gold medallion on which is a representation of the Annunciation, above which is a dove, symbolising the Holy Spirit. This is surrounded by a group of symbolic NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Italy (savoy) Order of the Most Sacred Annunciation 30 ITALIAN ORDERS knots of ribbon (lacs d’amour), on which are numerous roses, a possible reference to the Mystic Rose. The whole is suspended from a gold chain, composed of alternate knots of ribbon and roses, with the letters F.E.R.T. interwoven. The plaque, or star, is similar to the badge, surrounded by eight rays of flame, with the letters F.E.R.T. on the sides. The ribbon is blue moire. (Frontispiece.) ORDER OF SAINT MAURICE AND SAINT LAZARUS. The Order of St. Mau¬ rice was instituted in 1434, at Ripaille, near the lake of Geneva, by Amadeus VIII (13^3-1450), Count and first Duke of Savoy. The Order took its name from the patron saint of Savoy. Amadeus VIII conferred this Order on ten of his courtiers when they accompanied him to his retreat at the priory of Ripaille. He was elected Pope in 1439, taking the name of Felix V, but he resigned in 1448 and retired to the solitude of Ripaille, where he died in 1450. He is buried at Lausanne. Shortly after his death, the Or¬ der became dormant. It was revived in NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Italy (savoy) Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus 1572 by Duke Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, to encourage the Catholics to resist the Cal- vinistic reforms attempted in Savoy. The Dukes of Savoy were Grand Masters. The Order of Saint Lazarus was gen¬ erally supposed to have been founded about the year 1060, during the earlier crusades, although there was a Fraternity of Ecclesias¬ tical Knights who as early as 366 A.D. founded a hospital at Jerusalem to care for the lepers. These were known as the Knights of St. Lazarus. Elias Ashmole, in his “History of the most noble Order of the Garter,” London, 1715, writes—“At length, through the incursion of the Barba¬ rians, and Injury of Time, it (the order) lay extinguished, but was revived when the Latin Princes joyned in a Holy League to recover the Holy Land. . . . For in that Time the Monks of this Order added Martial Discipline to their Skill in Physick; and for their Services against the Infidels, begat a great Esteem from Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, and some of his Successors.” The Order was inactive for a long period. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 33 In 1490 it was united with the Hospitallers of St. John at Rhodes, but in 1565 Pope Pius IV restored it and granted additional privi¬ leges. In September, 1572, Pope Gregory XIII, at the request of Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, restored the Order of Saint Maurice and united it with that of St. Lazarus, under the title of the ORDER OF SAINT MAURICE AND SAINT LAZARUS. Pope Gregory XIII also appointed the Dukes of Savoy Hereditaries and Masters, and as Ashmole writes—“oblig’d them to furnish out two Gallies for the Service of the Papal See, to be employ’d against Pyrates.” There have been many changes in the Or¬ der by the various sovereigns, but at present there are five grades: Knights of the Grand Cross, Grand Officers, Commanders, Officers and Chevaliers. The number of the last grade is unlimited. Many foreigners have been decorated with this grade. The pres¬ ent form of decoration was established by Duke Charles Emmanuel I (1562-1630). The badge consists of a white-enamelled cross, treflee, of St. Maurice, conjoined at the * AND angles with the green Maltese cross of St. Lazarus, which is ball-tipped at the points. The badges of the four higher grades are sur¬ mounted by a Royal crown, the size of the cross and of the crown indicating the par¬ ticular grade. It is suspended by a bright green watered ribbon. The eight-rayed star of the Order is silver. In the centre is a reproduction of the badge or cross, without the crown. MEDAL OF SAINT MAURICE. Insti¬ tuted for Military services by King Charles Albert, 1 King of Sardinia, on July 19, 1839. It was intended as further recognition of those officials who had received the cross of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, and who had served under the flag 11 per la durati di died lustri” (lustri meaning a five year enlistment, and died lustri , therefore, fifty years). The Medal is gold, bearing on the obverse the equestrian figure of the pa¬ tron saint of Savoy, St. Maurice, holding the flag of the Order in his right hand. Around this are the words S. MAURIZIO PRO- NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR TETTORE DELLE NOSTRE ARMI. The reverse is inscribed as below, AL C A V A LI ERE MAU RIZIA NO PER DIECI LUSTRI NELLA CARRIERA MI LI TARE BENEM ERITO space being reserved for the name of the recipient. There are two sizes of the medal. The larger, 55 mm. in diameter, is for Gen¬ erals or Admirals who had received the higher decoration of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, and the smaller, 39 mm., for officers who had received the lower grades of the same Order. The ribbon is green, the same as for the Order. ROYAL MILITARY ORDER OF SAVOY. Founded at Genoa, on August 14, 1815, by Victor Emmanuel I (1759-1824). Its pur¬ pose was to reward acts of valour and magnanimity. The Order was modified on September 28, 1855, by Victor Emmanuel II, later king of Italy, who also changed the decoration to the present form. There are five classes: Knights of the Grand Cross, Grand Officers, Commanders, Officers and Chevaliers. The cross, which is white- enamelled with curvilinear tips, is edged with gold. It rests upon a wreath of laurel leaves. On the red background of the medal¬ lion is the white cross of Savoy, around which on a circular band are the words AL M ER 1 TO MI LI T A RE. The reverse medal¬ lion of red enamel has two crossed swords, points up, above which is the date 1855, and on either side, the initials V. E. The cross of the first three classes is surmounted by a Royal crown, that of the fourth class by a trophy of flags and arms, while the fifth class cross has but the suspension ring. The ribbon is blue moire, with a red band in the centre. The star, which is of silver, has eight rays; in the centre is a duplication of the obverse of the decoration, without the crown. Prior to 1855, the star or plaque bore the motto AL MERITO ED AL VALORE. CIVIL ORDER OF SAVOY. Founded at Turin, on October 29, 1831, by Charles Pl. VII Italy (savoy) Military Order of Savoy 38 ITALIAN ORDERS Albert (1798-1849), King of Sardinia and Savoy. During most of his reign of eighteen years, he was at war with Austria. Follow¬ ing the revolution of 1848 in France, he began war for the Independence of Italy but was compelled to abdicate in 1849 after his defeat by the Austrians at Novara. The object of the Order was to rewaid ‘those of other professions, not less useful than that of the army, who have become through long and profound study the ornaments of the State to which they have rendered important service.’ There is but one class to the Order, known as Knights, and it is seldom conferred on foreigners. The decoration is a light blue Savoy cross edged with gold. The medallion on the obverse is white with a gold rim; in the centre are the intials of the founder, C. A. The reverse has AL MERITO CIVILE 1831 , in gold lettering on a white field, on the centre medallion. The moire ribbon is of three equal stripes—light blue with white either side. ORDER OF THE CROWN OF ITALY. Created on February 20, 1868, by Victor Pl. VIII Italy (savoy) Civil Order of Savoy ITALIAN ORDERS Emmanuel II (1820-1878), the first King of United Italy, to commemorate the annexa¬ tion of Venice to that kingdom. This is sometimes called the Order of the Iron Crown. Doubtless the origin of the name arose from the fact that at the coronation of Agilif, King of the Lombards (592-615), a crown was used, composed of gold and precious stones, inset with a band of iron which was said to have been forged from a nail of the true Cross. Tradition says that this crown was kept in the Cathedral of Monza and removed to Mantua in 1859. When Napoleon I became King of Italy in 1805, it is said he was crowned with this crown. The Order of the Iron Crown of Italy, founded by Napoleon I in 1805, was abolished in 1814, although revived in Austria in 1816 by Francis I as the Austrian Order of the Iron Crown. The first distribution of the Order of the Crown of Italy, as founded by King Victor Emmanuel II, occurred on April 22, 1868, when the heir-apparent, Humbert, married Princess Marguerite of Savoy. There are five classes of the Order—Grand Pl. IX Italy Order of the Crown of Italy Cordons, Grand Officers, Commanders, Officers and Knights. The grade of Knight or Chevalier is frequently conferred on foreigners. The insignia is a white-enam¬ elled cross-pattee edged with gold, and convex, with knots of gold cord connecting the arms. In the blue-enamelled medallion is a gold crown. On the reverse medallion is the crowned eagle of Savoy. On its breast is a red shield, bearing the white cross of Savoy. The ribbon is of red with a white stripe in the centre. The star of the order, for the highest grade, is of eight silver rays, on the centre of which is a gold crown on blue field, encircled by a white band, in¬ scribed VICTORIUS EMMANUEL II REX I TALI A E MDCCCLXVI. This device is surmounted by a crowned eagle bearing the Arms of Savoy on its breast. The star of the Grand Officer is an eight-pointed silver star, on which is a reproduction of the Cross. ORDER OF INDUSTRY. By a decree of May 9, 1901, Victor Emmanuel III created a Decoration called the “Cavalieri del Lavoro” (Knights of Industry). It is awarded to those prominent or proficient in the Industrial, Commercial or Agricultural work of the Kingdom or of its Colonies. The decoration consists of a green-enamelled Savoy cross, edged with gold. On the obverse is a white medallion, bearing the words AL MERITO/DEL/LAVORO/1901 The reverse medallion bears the initials of the founder, V. E., in gold on a white field. The rib¬ bon is dark green with a red stripe in the cen¬ tre. There is but one class to this order, and its award carries with it no particular privileges. COLONIAL ORDER OF THE STAR OF ITALY. Founded in 1911 by King Victor Emmanuel III. Its purpose was to reward those deserving of especial recognition who were prominent in the work of the Colonies. There are five classes to the Order: Knights of the Grand Cross, Grand Officers, Com¬ manders, Officers and Chevaliers. The decoration consists of a white-enamelled star of five points, edged with gold and ball- tipped. On the obverse medallion of red, is the gold monogram (V. E.) of the founder, with crown above. A green-enamelled circle AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS has at the bottom of it 1911. On the reverse red medallion are the words AL/ ; MERI TO /COLO NI ALE in gold letters. The ribbon is red, with narrow white and green bands on either side. All grades of the star have a crown above, except that of Chevalier, which is plain. The plaque, j which is worn by the first and second classes only, consists of thirty-five silver rays, on which is the uncrowned star described above. MILITARY CROSS FOR SERVICE. On November 8, 1900, Victor Emmanuel III authorized a cross for long and faithful service, called the “Croce per anzianita di servizio Militare.” It is of gold for Officers, and of silver for the troops. The decoration is a Maltese cross; on the obverse, a medallion bearing the Royal cipher V E crowned, and on the reverse Roman characters, denoting years of service —XXV for the Officers and XVI for the troops. If the officers have served forty years and the troops twenty-five years, the Roman characters vary accordingly, and the cross has a crown above. The ribbon is green, with a wide white stripe in the centre. NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. X Italy Colonial Order of the Star of Italy 46 ITALIAN ORDERS MILITARY MEDAL OF VALOUR. As early as 1793, during the war between Pied¬ mont and France, Victor Amadeus III, King of Sardinia (1727-1796), created a Medal of Valour. This was awarded for individual acts of bravery, and was struck in gold and in silver. Victor Emmanuel I revived the award in 1815, at the time of the downfall of Napoleon I, but abolished it in August of that year when he created the Military Order of Savoy. When Charles Albert was King of Sardinia and Savoy, he reinstituted the medal in 1833, for acts of valour not sufficiently important to war¬ rant the M ilitary Order of Savoy. From the time of its inception to 1887, it was always awarded in gold or silver, but in that year Humbert I decreed that a bronze medal should be given for acts of valour of a lesser degree. This medal ranks in Italy almost as highly as does the Victoria Cross in Great Britain or the Medal of Honour in this country. It is frequently called the Sar¬ dinian Medal of Valour. The earliest model was 38 mm. in diameter, having on the obverse the bust of the king facing to the NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Italy (savoy) Military Medal of Valour ITALI AN ORDERS AND right and the words VITTORIO AMADEUS III. The reverse had a wreath of oak leaves, within this is a trophy of arms and flags and the words AL V A LORE. About the time of the Crimean war, the design was changed. The size was reduced to 33 mm. The obverse has the Arms of Savoy, surmounted by a crown in an oval. Below are a palm and laurel branch, tied at base with a ribbon; and around the whole, the words AL V A LO¬ RE MI LI TARE. The reverse has two laurel branches tied with a ribbon, with a space in the centre for the recipient’s name. The name of his campaign is placed on the outer edge. The ribbon has always been a dark blue moire. Victor Emmanuel II caused a number of these medals, in both gold and silver, to be given to the British and French troops who took part in the Crimean war. Two of these are in my collection, and have been awarded to Frenchmen. The reverse has the name and title of the recipient en¬ graved at the centre, while around the outer edge of one are the words SPEDIZIONE D’ORIENTE 1855-1856, in relief. The second specimen has the same words en- NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 49 graved. The Musee de VArm'ee of Paris has a medal with the recipient’s name engraved and GUERRE DTTALIE 1859 in relief. This was for the war with Austria. Another has in relief CAMP A GNA DELLA BASS A ITALIA 1860-1861 . Mr. C. S. Gifford, of Boston, has in his collection a variant of this Medal of Valour. It is but 25 mm. in diameter. The reverse has around the edge, outside the wreath, in relief , the words GUERRA CONTRA VIMPERO D’AUS¬ TRIA. Many of these medals have been awarded to the men of other countries who have assisted Italy in her campaigns. It was a Military Medal of Valour, of gold, which General Diaz placed upon the grave of the un¬ known American soldier at Arlington on Nov¬ ember 11,1921, by order of the King of Italy. CIVIL MEDAL OF VALOUR. Au¬ thorized by King Victor Emmanuel II on April 3, 1851. It was given in gold, silver and bronze. Under a decree of April 29, 1888, Humbert I authorized a bronze medal also. These are awarded to civilians for per- AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND sonal acts of courage and valour, such as rescues at fires and at sea. The medal is 34 mm. in diameter, bearing on the obverse the Arms of Savoy in an escutcheon, with a Royal crown above. Around this at the top are the words AL VALORE CIVILE. The r everse has a wreath of oak leaves, with space in the centre for the recipient’s name. The writer’s medal is engraved D’ONOFRIO GIO. ANTONIO CERVINARA (AVEL- LINO) 22 XBRE. 1868. The ribbon for this medal is of the Italian National colours. Three equal stripes—red, white and green. NAVAL MEDAL OF VALOUR. Insti¬ tuted in March, 1836; modified in 1847, and again by Victor Emmanuel II in i860, to reward the men of the Navy for heroism. In 1888, Humbert I established three grades, gold, silver and bronze, according to the character of the award. The obverse bears the Arms of Savoy on a shield, with a crown above, and encircled by a palm and laurel branch tied at the bottom; and round the outer edge is the motto AL VALORE DI MARINA. On the reverse is an oak NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR wreath (less full than that of the Military medal of Valour) with a reserve in the centre for the name of recipient and mention of the act for which the medal is awarded. The ribbon is dark blue moire, with one wide and one narrow white stripe at each side. MEDAL OF MERIT FOR PUBLIC SAFETY. This decoration was first insti¬ tuted on September 13, 1854, by Victor Emmanuel II and was called “La Medaglia di Benemerenza per i Benemeriti della salute pubblica” Its purpose was to reward the services of volunteers in epidemics of contagious diseases and those who took part in other ways beneficial to the health and safety of the public. It is given in gold, silver and bronze. On the obverse is a bust of the King to left, around which is inscribed UMBERTO I RE D'IT ALIA. On the reverse are oak and laurel branches, surrounded by the words SALUTIS PUBLICAE BENEMERENTI- BUS. A reserve at the centre is left for the name of the recipient. On the earlier models the bust and title of Victor Emmanuel AND MONOGRAPHS II appeared on the obverse, and the reverse motto read AI BEN EMERITI DELLA SALUTE PUBBLICA . The ribbon is light blue, edged with black. MEDAL FOR VETERANS GUARDING THE TOMB OF THE KINGS. This medal was authorized on July 14, 1879, and altered on January 1, 1880. It was established to honour the veterans of the war of 1848-1849 who guarded the tomb of Victor Emmanuel II. It is 30 mm. in diameter and of silver. The ribbon is blue with a white stripe in the centre, with one edge green and the other red. The first model has on the obverse a wreath of laurel with a superimposed, five- pointed star bearing at the centre the bust of the King and the words UMBERTO 1° RE D’lTALIA; on the reverse, VETERAN! 1848-49 / GUARDI A D’ONORE / ALLA TOMB A DEL RE / VITTORIO EMA- NUELEII. After the death of Humbert I, Victor Emmanuel III altered the medal. The obverse bore his own bust and title, and the reverse read / AI/VETERA Nl 1848-1870 /GUARDIA D’ONORE / ALLE TOMBE NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XII Italy Veteran Guard of the Tomb of the Kings 54 ITALIAN ORDERS DI RE / VIT TO RIO EM AN UELE II / E UMBERTO I. A specimen of this design is in my collection. LIFE SAVING MEDAL. Authorized by Royal Decree on March 8 , 1888 . This decoration is awarded to those, not in the Navy, who have risked their lives to save others from drowning, or shipwreck, or for other forms ot personal valour at sea. It is issued by the Ministry of the Marine. The medal is in silver and in bronze only and is not to be worn on the person. The obverse bears the effigy of the King, facing left, and the inscription VITTORIO EMANUELE III RE D J IT ALIA. The reverse has two circles, one within the other; in the outer circle occur the words MIN1STERO DELLA MARIN A, while the inner one is left blank for the name of the recipient, the date and the statement regarding the occasion of the award. MEDAL OF MERIT. Authorized by a Decree of May 6, 1909. This medal was awarded to all persons, including many NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XIII Italy Medal of Merit 56 ITALIAN ORDERS AND foreigners, who from philanthropic or charitable motives went to the relief of the inhabitants of Sicily and Southern Calabria at the time of the earthquake of December 28, 1908. It is 34 mm. in diameter, and was issued in gold, silver and bronze. The obverse bears the effigy of the King, facing left, and the words VITTORIO EMA- NUELE III. On the reverse, the inscription TERREMOTO / 28 DICEMBRE 1908 /IN CALABRIA / E IN SICILIA, sur¬ rounded by a wreath of oak leaves. The ribbon is green with a white stripe on either side. A variation of this medal was issued, bearing on the obverse the bust of the king surrounded by the inscription VITTORIO EMANUELE III RE D’I TALI A. The reverse reads MEDAGLIA/COMMEMO- RA TI V A / TERREMOTO / C ALABRO SICULO/28 DICEMBRE /1908. The ribbon for this has 5 stripes, alternately white and green. The writer possesses an interesting medal, for the official issuance of which no authority has been found. It is of silver, 33 mm. in diameter. The obverse bears the head of NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 57 the King of Sardinia and Savoy, facing left, with A CARLO ALBERTO at the sides. Under the bust, the letters S.J. (probably standing for Stephano Johnson). The reverse reads I VETERANI/ITALIANI /IN/PELLEGRINAGGIO /ALLA SUA TOMB A /A SUP ERG A . The ribbon is dark blue with a yellow stripe each side. It is believed that these medals were given to the veteran soldiers of Charles Albert who made the pilgrimage to his last resting place. The Abbey of Superga was founded by Victor Amadeus III near Turin. In its church rest the remains of the Princes of Savoy. Charles Albert (1789-1849) died at Oporto in 1849. His body was buried on the heights of Superga. Italy later recognized his devotion, and pilgrims still journey to his tomb. CRI MEAN M EDAL. Italy was not back¬ ward in awarding what are commonly known as Campaign or Service Medals but which the Italian authorities style “Medaglie Commemorative.” That for the Crimean war was the first. It was authorized on October 22, 1856, and was issued to the Piedmont AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND troops serving during that campaign under General La Marmora. The medal is of silver, 35 mm. in diameter. On the obverse appears the effigy of the King, facing left, and the inscription VITTORIO EM AN U ELE II. The reverse has in large letters, in relief, CRIMEA/1855-1856. The ribbon is light blue with a narrow gold edge. Some authorities assign a ribbon of the Italian National colours—red, white and green. MEDAL FOR THE LIBERATION OF SICILY. This medal was issued to com¬ memorate the dethronement of Ferdinand II and the union of the ancient Kingdom of Sicily with the Kingdom of Italy. As a result of that insurrection, Garibaldi with his thousand troops landed at Marsala, and in three weeks was master of Messina. The medal (30 mm.) is of silver and bronze. On the obverse is the bust of the king and the words VITTORIO EM AN U ELE; below the bust, the initials S.J., probably standing for Stephano Johnson, the maker. The re¬ verse is inscribed IT ALIA / E CASA DI SA VOIA / LIBERAZIONE DI / SICILIA NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR. The ribbon is red, with one white and one green edge. STAR OF THE THOUSAND. Here might appropriately be mentioned a unique dec¬ oration. On January 9, 1861, General Turr went to the island of Caprera to carry to that great Italian patriot, General Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882), the Star of Honour which his famous thousand companions had offered him. It is a gold star of seven points, loosely set with diamonds. In the centre on a blue-enamelled field in letters of gold is ARTURO (a star which is said to protect any one with an ideal). On this is super¬ imposed a gold Trinacria, the emblem of Sicily. This is surrounded by an enamelled band of white, green and red, inscribed in letters of gold I MILLE AL LORO DUCE (The thousand to their chief). This was the only decoration which that great General consented to wear; and after his death at Caprera on June 2, 1882, the star was given by his sons to the Quirinal Museum in Rome where it may now be seen. AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS MEDAL OF THE THOUSAND, or MARSALA MEDAL. Issued by the city of Palermo, and authorized by the Italian government in 1865. It was presented to the troops of Garibaldi who entered the City in i860, and is called LA MEDAGLIA DEI MILLE. The obverse has in the centre an eagle with raised wings, standing on a fillet inscribed S. P. Q. R. Around this are the words AI PRODI CUI FU DUCE GARI¬ BALDI (To the brave men who were led by Garibaldi). On the reverse within a wreath of laurel is IL MUNICIPIO/PALERMI- TANO / RI VENDICA TO / MDCCCLX. Around this, outside the wreath are the words MARSALA CALATAFIMI PALERMO. The medal was issued in silver and in bronze. The ribbon is bright red, with a gold stripe each side, and on the face of the ribbon is fastened a silver Trinacria , the emblem of Sicily. MEDAL OF ITALIAN INDEPENDENCE. This decoration was authorized in 1862. It is of silver, and 32 mm. in diameter. On the obverse is the head of the king, to left, NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XIV Italy Medal of the Thousand 62 ITALIAN ORDERS around which are the words VITTORIO EMANUELE II RE D’I TALI A The reverse depicts a standing female figure, symbolizing Italy, holding in her right hand a spear, and in the left, a shield with the Arms of Savoy. Around the whole is in¬ scribed GUERRE PER LTNDIPENDENZA E V UNIT A D’IT ALIA. The ribbon is composed of six narrow stripes of the National colours—green, white and red. Bars or barrets are issued in silver to be attached to the ribbon, as follows: 1848- 1849 (war with Austria), 1855-1856 (Cri¬ mean War), 1859 (war with Austria), 1860- 1861 (Garibaldi’s expedition in Sicily and the Campaign in central Italy), 1866 (war with Austria), 1867 (Campaign against Rome), and 1870 (Capture of Rome). MEDAL FOR UNITED ITALY. This medal was authorized in 1883. It is 32 mm. in size, and of silver and bronze. On the obverse is the effigy of the King and the words UMBERTO I RE D’lTALIA. On the reverse, within a laurel wreath the in¬ scription UNITA/D’ITALI A/1848-1870. NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XV Italy Medal of Italian Independence ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XVI Italy Medal for United Italy MEDALS OF HONOUR 65 The ribbon has a broad green stripe with a white and a red stripe on both sides. Unlike the British campaign medals, few of the Italian medals are inscribed on the edges. The writer has a group of three medals, inscribed PHILIP FIGYELMESY COM ANDANTE USSERI UNGHERESI. These are for the Campaign of United Italy, Liberation of Sicily, and for Italian Inde¬ pendence. MEDAL FOR AFRICA. Created on November 3, 1894; sometimes called the “Medal for Abyssinia.” It was awarded to the forces of the Army and Navy which took part in the operations in Abyssinia, especially in that portion bordering on the Red Sea, called Eritrea. This included the campaign of 1887-1897 against Menelik II, who was the Negus of Abyssinia. The medal was issued in bronze, 32 mm., and bears on the obverse the crowned head of King Humbert I, facing right. On the reverse, within a laurel wreath, are the words CAMPAGNE D } AFRICA. The ribbon is red with blue borders. Silver bars, suitably inscribed, AND MONOGRAPHS 66 ITALIAN ORDERS were issued to the troops taking part in the following expeditions, viz: Campagna 1887- 1888, Saati, Dogali Saganeiti, Keren, Asmara, Adua, Agordat (1890), Halat, Serobeti, Agordat (1893), Kassala, Halai, Coatit, Campagna 1895-1896 and Cam¬ pagna 1897. MEDAL FOR THE FAR EAST. Au¬ thorized on June 23, 1901, and also known as the “Medal for China/’ or the “Medal for the Boxer Uprising.” At the time of that unfortunate affair, when so many of the Nations went to the relief of their lega¬ tions at Pekin, Italy was among the first. To all those taking part in this expedition, and to those who remained as guardians of the territory until the end of the year 1901, this medal was given. It is of bronze, 32 mm., and bears on the obverse the effigy of the King facing left and the words VIT- TORIO EMANUELE III RE D’lTALIA; on the reverse, within a wreath of laurel, CINA 1900 - 1901 . The ribbon is yellow, with four dark blue stripes. Another medal for China is exactly like the above, excepting NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XVII Italy Medal for Africa ITALIAN ORDERS that the reverse bears the word CINA only. This was given to the troops and sailors who served in China from December 31, 1901 to April 1, 1908. The ribbon is similar. MEDAL FOR THE TURKISH WAR OF 1911 - 1912 . But a few years ago Italy and Turkey were fighting desperately for the control of Tripoli, a section of Northern Africa which had been under Turkish rule for several centuries. It was at this time that Germany all but precipitated a Euro¬ pean war by insisting upon certain methods of settlement. Fortunately conflict was averted by the treaty of Lausanne. To commemorate the triumph over Turkey and to honor those engaged there, a silver medal of 32 mm. was authorized on November 21, 1912. The medal was issued to all men of the Army and Navy who took part in the operations against the Ottoman Empire, whether in Africa or in Turkish territory. On the obverse of the medal is the head of the King, facing right, and the inscription, VITTORIO EM A N V ELE. III. RE NUMISMATIC NOTES Pl. XVI 11 Italy War Cross ITALIAN ORDERS D* I TALI A. On the reverse, within a wreath of laurel, the words GUERRA / ITALO-TURCA,/ 1911 - 1912 . The ribbon is of six narrow blue and five narrow red stripes of equal width. MEDAL FOR THE WAR IN LIBYA. The treaty of Lausanne did not stop all war operations on the part of Italy. The tribes of the newly acquired Colonial possessions continued to make trouble. To reward the troops taking part in such campaigns, a silver medal of 32 mm. was authorized on September 6, 1913. This was identical with the Turkish war medal, except that the re¬ verse bears the words GUERRA/IN LIBIA. The ribbon is of the same design and colour. WAR CROSS OF ITALY. Authorized in 1918. It was awarded to those worthy of official recognition during the World War, but whose service was not of sufficient im¬ portance to warrant the Medal of Military Valour. The Decoration is of bronze, 38 mm., in the form of the Savoy Cross. On the obverse is inscribed MER 1 T 0 Dl NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XIX Italy Medal for the World War 72 ITALIAN ORDERS GUERRA , above which is the King’s crowned monogram, V. E. and III. On the lower arm of the cross is an upright sword entwined with a branch of oak. The reverse has a. star in the centre surrounded by rays. The ribbon is dark blue with two white stripes. MEDAL FOR THE WORLD WAR. Created on July 29, 1920 and made from captured Austrian cannon. It is bronze, 32 mm. On the obverse appears the hel- meted bust of the King, encircled by the inscription, GUERRA PER V UNIT A D' I TALI A 1915-1918 and three branches of oak leaves. The reverse has an allegorical figure of Victory, standing on a support borne by two helmeted soldiers, and the inscription CONIT A NEL BRONZE N E- MICO (Coined from enemy bronze). The ribbon has eighteen narrow stripes of green, white and red—six of each colour. Bars were issued to be worn on the ribbon to designate the years of service in the war. These bear the dates of 1915 , 1916,1917 and 1918 . NUMIS M ATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Italy Medal of National Gratitude 74 ITALIAN ORDERS VICTORY MEDAL. Created on De¬ cember 16, 1920, but not issued until 1922. The medal is bronze, 36 mm. As with the Victory medals of the other allies, the winged Victory is the dominant feature. This figure stands facing on a triumphal chariot drawn by four lions. The reverse shows a tripod above which two doves of peace are to be seen. At top the inscription GRANDE- G VERRA-PER-LA-Cl VILTA . In field, at each side of tripod MCMXIV-MCMXVIII, below, in two lines, AI COMBATTENTI BELLE NAZIONI/ALLEA TE ED ASSO¬ CIATE. The badge is suspended by the rainbow ribbon as are all the Victory medals. MEDAL OF NATIONAL GRATITUDE. This medal is awarded to mothers who lost sons in the World War. The obverse shows an allegorical figure presenting a wreath to a fallen warrior. Standing alongside is another female in an attitude of grief. The reverse has an inscription in eight lines IL FIGLIO / CHE TI NACQUE / DAL DOLORE / TI RINASCE “0 BEAT A” / NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Italy Victory Medal ITALIAN ORDERS AND NELLA GLORIA / E IL VIVO EROE / “PIENA DI GRAZIA” / E PECO. The ribbon is grey with center composed of narrow green, white and red stripes. MEDAL FOR WAR ORPHANS. This medal has also been authorized but no information has been received concerning it. ITALIAN UNITY MEDAL. This medal has not as yet been distributed and details concerning it are lacking. It is to be sold and the money received is to go to the widows and mothers of those killed in the war. MEDAL FOR WAR VOLUNTEERS, Notice has been received that a medal will be issued shortly to those who volunteered in the World War. CROWN OF MERIT. At this writing, and before any confirmation could be secured, advices have come that the Councils of Ministers have proposed a decoration to be awarded to clerks and workingmen who have remained faithful to their employers for NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR twenty-five years or more. Presumably this medal is intended to stimulate a spirit of co¬ operation between the employed and em¬ ployer. No decision as to the design has been announced. Several of the municipalities of Northern Italy issued medals to honor those who aided in the efforts to free that country during the strenuous days of 1848-1849. None of these medals of the cities are official medals, and consequently few if any of the authori¬ ties mention them. They are inserted here in order that the numismatist may have some facts relating to them. Como had a medal inscribed on the ob¬ verse, COMO LIBERATA NELLE GLORI- OSE GIORNATE 18-22 MARZO 1848 . The reverse bears the Arms of the city and the words AL VALORE DEL CITTADINO. Bologna issued a medal inscribed VIT¬ TORIO BOLOGNA 8 ./ 8 . 1848 . On the re¬ verse, QUANDA IL POPOLO SI DESTA DIO SI PONE ALLA SUA TESTA. Livorno’s medal bears on the obverse AI V A LOROSI DIFENSORI DI LIVORNO 10 E 11/5 18 49. The reverse bears the AND MONOGRAPHS 78 ITALIAN ORDERS AND Arms of the State and the words MUNICI- PIO DI LIVORNO. The ribbons for the above medals are red and white. Milano likewise had a medal to show her appreciation of the efforts of her citizens for freedom. It bears on the obverse a figure of Victory and the dome of the Cathedral. The reverse has the Arms of the State and the inscription COMMUNE DI MILANO. The ribbon is red and yellow. Cadore, Vicenza and Brescia are also said to have issued medals, but a dependable description has not been obtainable. During the war of 1848-1849 against Austria, and the several Principalities of which Italy is now composed, Rome, too, became involved. At the time of the Insurrection of 1848, Pope Pius IX fled to Gaeta, where he remained until 1850. On February 9, 1849, Rome was declared a Republic. To those who took part in the Insurrection, and who aided in the formation of the short-lived Republic, as well as for connection with subsequent events, Rome awarded several medals. As with the others, authentic information is difficult to obtain. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 79 MEDAL OF MERIT. Issued for the battle of Vicenza on June io, 1848. This medal was of both silver and bronze, and 30 mm. in diameter. On the obverse within a wreath of oak leaves, the Arms of the city of Rome—a crowned shield, bearing the letters S. P. Q. R. (Senatus Populus que jRoman us —The Senate and the people of Rome). Around this device is the inscription ALMAE VRBIS COSS BENEMERENTI. On a plain reverse is the motto, P VGNA STRENVE / AD VICETIAM/PVGNA TA / IV.EIDVS VINIAS / M.DCCC. XL VIII. The ribbon is of equal stripes of magenta and yellow—the colours of Rome. MEDAL OF MERIT (Rome). Issued in silver and bronze. The obverse has in the centre, the she-wolf with Romulus and Remus. Around this is BENEMERITO DELLA PATRIA, with an oak and olive branch beneath. The reverse has in the centre a group of flags and a trophy of arms, surrounded by the inscription INDIPEN- DENZA ITALIAN A 1848 . The ribbon is similar to the preceding. AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS MEDAL OF MERIT. Struck in silver and bronze, and is said to have been issued by the Republic of Rome to those who dis¬ tinguished themselves during the Insurrec¬ tion of 1848. It is 30 mm., and has on the obverse the she-wolf with Romulus and Remus, standing on a pedestal, bearing the letteisS. P. Q. R . The reverse reads AL MERITO, surrounded by an oak wreath. The ribbon is magenta and yellow. Another medal is described by one au¬ thority as a reward to the combatants of 1848. It is 23 mm., bronze, and bears on the obverse an allegorical female figure, holding a spear in her right hand and a cornucopia in her left. At her feet is a globe surmounted by an eagle. Above is a rayed .star. On the edge is inscribed REPUBLIC A ROM AN A. On the reverse is the motto ALLA VIRTU CITTADINA within an oak wreath. This is surrounded by the inscription LA P ATRIA RICONO- SCENTE. No ribbon is described. According to Padiglione still another Medal of Merit was issued in commemora¬ tion of September 20, 1870, when Rome was NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XXII Rome. Battle of Vicenza Rome. Medal of Merit 82 ITALIAN ORDERS AND admitted into the Kingdom of Italy. Scul- fort, a French writer, says this medal was given to commemorate the proclamation of the Republic of Rome in 1848; although preference is here given to the Italian authority’s version. The medal was issued in silver and bronze, 30 mm. in diameter. On the obverse is a shield bearing the Arms of the City, surmounted by the she-wolf with Romulus and Remus. This device rests upon two crossed battle axes and an oak wreath. The reverse bears within an oak wreath ROMA /RIVENDICA TA ,/AI SUOI/LIBERATORI, surmounted by a star. The ribbon has narrow alternating stripes of magenta and yellow. Some rib¬ bons have nineteen stripes; others have eleven. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR THE TWO SICILIES Even more so than with Italy proper, Sicily has been a battle-ground from the earliest times. And this condition, as is usually the case, has made the numismatics of Sicily of great importance. Before the period of coinage, the Sikels dwelt in the land. Later the Carthaginians disputed with the Greeks for its control, both yielding ultimately to the Romans. In addition to the struggles between the Normans and the Spaniards for its possession, it had to with¬ stand the onslaught of the Saracens. Sicily, especially in the mediaeval period, has shared the fate of the kingdom of Naples, or, as they came to be known, the Kingdom of the two Sicilies—a title which in itself is a commentary of the relative importance of Naples. After the Lombard rule in the nth century, the Normans,under Count Roger, brought about a consolidation of Naples and Sicily. The conquest dates from 1130 A.D., when he assumed the title AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND of King of Naples and Sicily. There were two periods of separation—1282 to 1442 and 1458 to 1504, but after the last-named year the two kingdoms remained under one crown until the unification of Italy in 1861. It is unnecessary here to dwell upon the constantly changing rule for the two king¬ doms more than to mention the conflict between the House of Anjou and of Aragon through the 14th and 15th centuries. Under Charles VIII (from 1494), the French ruled, while between 1504 and 1707 the Spanish were in control. They were followed by the Austrians (until 1720). After that date Spanish Bourbons held possession. The Napoleonic rule on the mainland dates from 1805, while Ferdinand IV con¬ trolled the island of Sicily. The downfall of Napoleon at Waterloo saw the two kingdoms again united under the Bourbons. The wars for the independence of Italy, and the efforts of Garibaldi in 1859 and i860, finally brought both sections into the Kingdom of Italy and under the rule of the house of Savoy. NUMISMATIC NOTES M EDALS OF HONOUR 85 ORDER OF THE SHIP. In 1269, St. Louis founded in France the Order of the Ship or of the Double Crescent. Upon his death in 1270, his brother, Charles d’Anjou, established this order in the Kingdom of Naples. Owing to the design of the collar, this order is sometimes given a third name— The Order of the Sea Shell. The insignia was a gold collar of scallop shells, alternating with double crescents. From this was suspended a medal with a ship as its design. The motto is NON CREDO TEMPORI. Clark, an Eng¬ lish writer, describes an order founded in 1382 by Charles III, King of Naples, called the “Order of St. Nicholas,” while Elias Ashmole styles it “The Order of the Argonauts of St. Nicholas.” Both give the motto as NON CREDO TEMPORE Apparently, therefore, this is a survival or a later form of the Order of the Double Crescent. ORDER OF THE CRESCENT. Favine states that this order was founded in An- giers, France, in 1464, by Rene, Duke of Anjou, King of Jerusalem and Sicily. Ashmole quotes St. Marthes as giving 1448 AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND as the date for its foundation. Rene was unable to hold his island kingdom very long. The order was not popular, and those honoured with it were afraid to wear the badge. The insignia consisted of three gold chains from which is suspended a gold crescent, bearing three letters in red, L.O.Z., which signify, according to Favine, L’oz en croissant (Praise by increasing). To the crescent were attached gold tags indicating the battles and feats of honour in which the knights had been engaged. 2 Aragon controlled the Island Kingdom of Sicily from 1282 to 1442. In 1351 Louis I, King of Sicily, founded the ORDER OF THE STAR to replace that of the CRESCENT MOON. This insignia was a Maltese cross, in the centre of which is an eight- pointed star. This Order seems to have been discontinued in 1394. Giustinian, the Italian writer in 1692, gives a list of eighteen Grand Masters of the Order of the Crescent Moon and of the Star from 1268 to 1667. This would seem to indicate that the Orders described above were connected or continued by the several rulers under different titles. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR OO ^4 ORDER OF THE SPUR. Founded in 1266 by Charles d’Anjou, King of Naples and Sicily, to commemorate his triumph over Manfred near Benevento. The insignia is a white-enamelled cross, each of the arms having double points. A spur is attached at the base. The Order was shortlived. ORDER OF THE KNOT OF NAPLES. Created in 1351 by Louis of Taranto when he married the Queen of Naples. This was also termed the “Order of the Holy Spirit of the Right Desire.” It ceased to exist after the death of the founder. The insignia is a knot of cord entwined with i gold thread. ORDER OF THE REEL AND LIONESS (Naples). This Order, of short duration, was instituted by partisans of the house of Anjou, during the troubles of 1386-1390. The insignia is a yarn reel and a lioness, the significance of which is difficult to learn. Clark, writing in 1784, states that the followers of Louis II, Duke of Anjou, were divided into two factions, one of which wore AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND on its arms an embroidered reel as a sign of contempt for Queen Margaret, widow of Charles III, who desired to hold the reins of government. This faction took the name of “Knights of the Reel.” The other, the Knights of the Lioness, wore on its breast the figure of a lioness with feet tied, indi¬ cating that it looked upon Queen Margaret as one tied by the leg. ORDER OF THE ERMINE (Naples). Founded in 1463, by Ferdinand I (1423- 1494) Aragon, King of Naples, at the end of the war which he had been waging against John of Anjou, Duke of Calabria. He was led into this war by his brother-in-law, Marinus Marcianus, Duke of Sesso, who conspired to murder Ferdinand. Marinus Was not only pardoned for his treachery but was admitted into this Order. The motto was MALO MORI QUAM FOEDARI (Death is preferable to dishonor), and the patron was St. Basil. The badge is a gold ermine suspended from a gold chain. Au¬ thorities differ as to the exact date of both the creating and discontinuance of this Order. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 89 ORDER OF THE GRIFFIN (Naples). Attributed to Alphonse by Perrot and by De Genouillac. The date of its founding is given as 1489. As Alphonse died in 1458 and was succeeded by his son, Ferdinand I, who reigned until 1494, it may, therefore, have been instituted by Ferdinand. No description of the insignia can be found. ORDER OF SAINT MICHAEL (Naples). This Order is likewise attributed to Ferdi¬ nand I, and the insignia is described by Ashmole as an oval, bearing the word DECORUM . No other record has been found. ORDER OF SAINT JANUARIUS (of the Two Sicilies). Founded on July 6, 1738, by King Charles of Sicily (1716-1788), to cele¬ brate his marriage with Princess Amelia, daughter of Augustus III of Poland. Charles was of the Spanish Bourbons, and second son of Philip V. His army had conquered Sicily, and he became its King in 1735 at the age of eighteen, having previously borne the titles of Duke of Parma and Grand-Duke AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS of Tuscany. In 1759 he became Charles III of Spain, at which time he resigned his Neapolitan and Sicilian Kingdom in favor of his son, Ferdinand. Charles formed the Noble Order of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, often also called “The Order of Charles III of Spain.” It was he who, as King of Spain, joined France in sending assistance to the American Colonies in their war of Independence. At the Peace Treaty following that conflict, he recovered Florida for Spain from England, to whom it had been ceded in 1763. Saint Januarius (San Genaro), for whom this Order is named, was the Patron Saint of Naples. Relics of this Saint, to whom miraculous cures are attributed, are pre¬ served in the cathedral named for him in that city. When the French invaded Naples in 1806, the Order was abolished in that country, though it continued in Sicily, whither Ferdinand had fled. It was revived after 1814. At the present time it is classed among the non-active Orders of Italy. There are two classes: Knights and Honor¬ ary Knights. The badge of the Order is a NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Two Sicilies Order of Saint Januarius ITALIAN ORDERS AND gold Maltese cross, enamelled red with white edges; gold Bourbon lilies in the angles. The obverse centre has a figure of the patron saint, San Genaro, clad in a red robe and hat, with an open book in the left hand. The reverse shows an open book and two receptacles partly filled with the mirac¬ ulous blood of this martyr. The ribbon is bright red. The plaque is of silver, the same design as the cross, and bears the words IN SANGUINE FOEDUS (the Covenant in Blood). ROYAL MILITARY ORDER OF SAINT CHARLES. Instituted by Royal Decree of October 22, 1738, by King Charles, its purpose was to reward citizens and members of the army and navy who had shown exceptional zeal and fidelity to the crown. This Order supposedly never received the Apostolic confirmation of the Pope, and according to an Italian writer, Ruo, was shortlived, all record of its existence having been lost when Charles, its founder, assumed the throne of Spain in 1759. The decoration is a fou r-armed cross, each NUMISMATIC MEDALS OF HONOUR 93 arm terminating in the form of a lily, and the whole surmounted by a royal crown. The centre medallion bears the image of Saint Charles. No description of the reverse is given. The ribbon is violet. ORDER OF SAINT FERDINAND and OF MERIT. Founded on April i, 1800 by Ferdinand IV, King of Naples (also Ferdi¬ nand III of Sicily and I of the Two Sicilies). It was instituted in commemoration of his having been restored to his Kingdom after the defeat of the French by the united forces of England, Austria, Russia and I Turkey. The object of the Order was to reward the Neapolitans who had remained faithful to the King and his monarchy. Lord Nelson, Duke of Bronte, was one of the first foreigners to have this Order bestowed upon him. He was made a Knight of the Grand Cross. Like the Order of Saint Januarius, this was suppressed in Naples when the French under Joseph Bonaparte controlled that country. It was continued in Sicily until 1814 but is said to have been definitely abolished in i860. AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS There were three classes: Knights of the Grand Cross, Commanders and Chevaliers. The cross of this Order is a gold star of six branches, in the form of rays. In the angles are Bourbon lilies. The whole is surmounted by a crown of gold. The gold-centred medallion bears a figure of St. Ferdinand in Royal robes and crowned, holding a laurel wreath in the left and a sword in his right hand. The encircling blue-enamelled band is inscribed FI DEI ET MERITO. The reverse centre of gold is inscribed FERD. IV. INST. ANNO 1800 . The plaque of the Order is similar to the obverse of the cross, without the crown. A dark blue ribbon with red edges is used for suspension of the cross. MEDAL OF HONOUR. By a decree of July 25, 1810, Ferdinand IV added a gold and silver Medal of Honour. This was 33 mm. in diameter, with the obverse similar to the cross. The reverse was inscribed FI DEI ET MERITO. This was worn with a similar ribbon. Officers and privates of the Army and Navy were awarded this medal for distinguished services. NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XXIV Two Sicilies Medal of Honour 96 ITALIAN ORDERS AND MEDAL OF MERIT FOR LOMBARDY. Ferdinand IV instituted a medal of silver for the Neapolitan troops who assisted him in the campaign in Lombardy against the French in 1796. This was 38 mm., bearing on the obverse the helmeted effigy of the king and the title, FERDIN. IV UTRI SICILIAE REX P.F.A. ( P-Pio , devout, F-Forte, brave, A-Augusto , august). On the reverse, within a laurel wreath, FI DEI/ REGIAE DOM US / PA TRIAE / PROPUG- NA TORI /OB / EG REGIA FACTA . In the exergue, E. V.A/MDCCXC VI. MEDAL OF MERIT FOR SIENA. This medal was of gold and awarded by Ferdi¬ nand IV to the troops who distinguished themselves in the Siena campaign in 1797. On the obverse is the helmeted effigy of the king and his title FERDIN AN DUS IV UTRIUSQ. SICILIAE REX P.F.A. On the obverse is an allegorical figure of a woman crowning a soldier with a laurel wreath. Surrounding this, an inscription reads MI LI TIB US BENE DE REGE AC PATRIA MERIT 1 S. In the exergue is NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR E. V.A./MDCCXC VII. The ribbon is blue and white, edged with narrower stripes of blue (Sculfort, p. 176). MEDAL OF HONOUR FOR THE SIEGE OF GAETA. When Napoleon I sent his brother Joseph Bonaparte to rule over the kingdom of Sicily, Ferdinand IV fled to Gaeta. This fortress was gallantly de¬ fended in 1806 against the French under Marechal Massena, but was finally forced to capitulate, and Ferdinand fled to the island of Sicily. To reward those who valiantly assisted him to hold his kingdom, Ferdinand IV instituted this Medal of Honour. It is 35 mm., and was struck in both gold and silver, and is suspended from a deep red ribbon. The obverse of the medal has a bust of the king facing to right, the head wearing a helmet, laurel wreathed and surmounted by a dragon. The inscription is FERDI- NANDUS IV. D.G. SICILIARUM REX. The reverse has in the centre a view of the fortress of Gaeta, surrounded by the motto, MERITO ET FI DEI CAJETAE DEFENSORM AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND ROYAL ORDER OF THE TWO SICI¬ LIES. Created on February 24, 1808, by Joseph Napoleon, when King > of Naples It was issued in three classes: Grand Officers, Commanders and Chevaliers. Joachim Mu¬ rat, when ruler, modified the Order in 1811; its purpose was to reward those who had assisted in the conquest of the country. The decoration is a red-enamelled star of five points, ball tipped and with gold edges. Above this is the Imperial eagle surmounted by a crown. In the centre medallion is the Arms of Sicily, a Trinacria or Triquetra, having a face in the centre. This me¬ dallion is surrounded by the title, JOS. NA- POLEO SICIL. REX INST 1 TUIT. The reverse medallion bears a prancing horse, the Arms of Naples, encircled by a blue- enamelled band inscribed PRO RENO V A TA PATRIA. The ribbon is dark blue with a red stripe in centre. Following the death of Murat on October 13, 1815, the Kingdom was restored to Ferdinand IV, who changed the design of the above decoration. The star was at¬ tached to the surmounting crown by a lily N U M I S M ATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 99 (replacing the eagle). The obverse medal¬ lion contained the Arms of Sicily and of Naples, surrounded by the inscription FERDINANDUS BORBONIUS UTRI- USQUE SICILIAE REX P.F.A. (Pio Forte Augusta). The reverse medallion had in the centre a Bourbon lily and the motto FELICITATE RESTITUTA X. KAL.JUN. 1815 . The ribbon was changed to azure blue with a red stripe in the centre. This Order was finally abolished in 1819 and replaced by the “Order of Saint George of the Reunion.” MEDAL OF HONOUR FOR THE PRO¬ VINCIAL LEGION. On March 29, 1809, Joachim Murat, instituted this medal for the Provincial Legion. It is of silver and bronze, and bears on the obverse the effigy of the King, facing to left, encircled by the words GIOACCHINO NAPOL. RE DELLA DUE SICIL. On the reverse is a group of fourteen flags and a royal crown, the outer flags bearing, respectively, the words SICUREZZA/INTERNA. Around this device is the inscription ALLE LEGIONI AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND PROVINCIALI 26 MARZO 1809 . The ribbon is light blue moire. Ruo, the Italian writer, states that the inscription on the obverse is Gioacchino Napoleone, but the previous description is taken from a medal and various French authorities. MEDAL OF HONOUR FOR NAPLES. Murat authorized another Medal of Honour on November i, 1814, to reward the guard of Naples for its devotion to his cause. It is of gold and silver, in the form of a wreath of oak and laurel leaves, tied with a ribbon and surmounted by a crown. Superimposed on the wreath are two crossed flags, enam¬ elled in the colours of the kingdom. On the obverse centre medallion of white is the bust of the king, facing to left, and the title GIOACCHINO NAPOLEONE (or GIO¬ ACCHINO RE DI NAPOLI ). On the re¬ verse medallion are the words ONORE ET FEDELTA. The ribbon is magenta. The Medal for Civil Merit is similar to the above, except that the reverse is inscribed ONORE ET MERITO. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR IOI MEDAL OF HONOUR. After the death of Murat at Pizzo, a medal of 38 mm. was authorized by Ferdinand IV. It was issued in gold and silver, and worn with a bright red ribbon. On the obverse is a crowned effigy of the restored king, facing to left, and the inscription FERDINANDUS IV UTRI USQUE SICILIA E REX P.F.A. The reverse has in the centre a large Bourbon lily, surrounded by the inscription OB EGREGIAM URBIS PITH FIDELITA- TEM. In the exergue, POSTRIDIE NO¬ NAS OCTOBRIS/ANNI R. S./MDCCCXV. MEDAL OF HONOUR (Sicily). By de¬ crees of August 9 and 30, 1816, bronze medals were authorized and awarded to soldiers and sailors who were faithful to the cause of Ferdinand IV. This is a green- enamelled Maltese cross with gold Bourbon lilies in each angle. The centre medallion bears the effigy of the king to right, and the words FERDINANDO IV INSTITUI 1816 . The reverse has in the centre a lily and the inscription CONSTANTE ATTACCA- MENTO. This was worn with a red ribbon. AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS SECURITY GUARD MEDAL. Created on May 30, 1816, and issued in gold and silver; it was worn with a Bourbon red rib¬ bon. The medal is surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves and surmounted by a crown, attached by laurel branches. On the obverse is the effigy of the king surrounded by the title FERDINANDO IV RE DELLE DUE SI Cl LIE P.F.A. The reverse bears a lily and the motto ALLA GUARDI A Dl SICUREZZA. In the exergue, PER LA GIORNATA DE 22 MAGGIO 1815 . ROYAL MILITARY ORDER OF SAINT GEORGE OF THE REUNION. This order was created on January 1, 1819, by Ferdinand IV. It commemorated the reunion of Naples and Sicily, and was awarded for valour, military distinction and loyalty. There are four classes: Knights of the Grand Cross, Commanders, Officers and Chevaliers, the decoration varying in size according to the grade. This Order was discontinued in i860, with the formation of the present Kingdom of Italy. The insignia is a red-enamelled cross, fleuree, with i NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XXV Two Sicilies Order of Saint George of the Reunion ITALIAN ORDERS AND concave arms. Two gold swords cross at the angles, and a wreath of green-enamelled laurel connects the arms of the cross and the swords. The medallion bears a figure of Saint George slaying the dragon; around this is a blue-enamelled band inscribed IN HOC SIGNO VINCES. The reverse is the same, with the word VIRTUTI above. The ribbon is light blue moire. The decora¬ tion of the Knights of the Grand Cross is distinguished from the other grades by a gold pendant of St. George and the dragon. The Chevalier’s cross has no such pendant; and on the reverse is the word MERITO. MEDAL OF ST. GEORGE. In addition to the “Order of Saint George of the Re¬ union,” gold medals were awarded for heroism in war, and in silver for continued service. These are 28 mm., bearing in the centre the figure of St. George slaying the dragon, encircled by a wreath and the words VIRTUTI or MERITO according to the purpose of the award. The obverse and reverse are the same. The ribbon is blue with yellow edges. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR ORDER OF CONSTANTINE, (described on page 18). Instituted in Naples and Sicily by Don Carlos in 1734. Joseph Bonaparte abolished it in 1808, although it continued in the island of Sicily. Upon the return of Ferdinand IV to Naples in 1814, it was restored in both Kingdoms. ROYAL ORDER OF FRANCIS I. Francis I, upon the death of his father, Ferdinand IV, became King of the Two Sicilies on January 4, 1825. He was of the Neapolitan branch of the Bourbon family. On September 28, 1829, he founded the Royal Order of Francis I. Though usually conferred as a reward for Civil Merit, the army was not debarred from its honours. There are five classes: Grand Cross, Com¬ manders, Officers, Knights and Chevaliers. The fourth and fifth classes receive, re¬ spectively, the gold and silver medals, described later. This Order was discon¬ tinued in i860 when the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies became part of Italy, though, as a family Order, it was continued for a while longer. The decoration is a four-armed, AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND double-pointed cross of white enamel with gold edges, surmounted by a gold crown. Bourbon lilies of gold are in each angle. The medallion is larger than in most of the other Orders. In the centre, on a field of gold, appear the initials of the founder, F.I., with crown above. These are surrounded by a laurel wreath of enamel. On the blue encircling band are the words, DE REGE OP TIME MERITO. The reverse bears the inscription FRANCISCUS PRIMUS IN- STITUIT MDCCCXXIX, within a green wreath. The ribbon is bright red with blue edges. The star or plaque of the order is a silver cross without the crown, and with the same centre medallion. The gold and silver medals, worn by the fourth and fifth classes, are 36 mm. in diam¬ eter, bearing on the obverse the portrait of the founder, within a laurel wreath, and the inscription FRANCISCUS I.D.G.UTRIUSQUE SICIL. ETHIER. REX. The reverse has three Bourbon lilies in the centre within a wreath, and the motto DE REGE OPTIME MERITO 1829 . The ribbon is dark red with blue edges; not as wide as that for the Cross. NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XXVI Two Sicilies Order of Francis I io8 ITALIAN ORDERS AND MEDAL OF CIVIL MERIT. Authorized by royal decree of December 17, 1727. It is of gold and silver and worn with a red ribbon. The obverse bears an effigy of the king, and the title FRANCISCUS I.D.G. REGNI UTRIUSQUE SICIL. ET HIER. REX. On the plain reverse is engraved the name, date and cause of award. A medal similar to this was awarded during the reign of Ferdinand II and may be found with either of the following inscriptions: FERDI- N AN DUS II REGNI UTRIUSQUE SI CI¬ LIA E ET HIERUS. or FERDINANDO II RE DEL REGNO DELLE DUE SICILIE. Another MEDAL OF CIVIL MERIT was issued, 44 mm. in size. On the obverse are busts of Francis I and Queen Maria Isabella, facing to right, surrounded by branches of laurel. On the reverse is a Bourbon lily, crowned. MEDAL FOR MESSINA. Francis I was succeeded in 1830 by his son, Ferdinand II, who died in 1859. Ferdinand II instituted the Medal for Messina for troops faithful to him, in that city, during the Revolution NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR 109 of 1847. It is of bronze, and 30 mm. On the obverse, within a wreath of oak and laurel leaves, is the word FEDELTA with one Bourbon lily. The reverse reads, MESSINA 1 SEPTEMBRE 1847 . The ribbon is light blue and white. A variant of this medal has on the obverse the effigy of the king and the words FERDINANDO II RE DEL REGNO DELLE DUE SICILIE; and on the reverse the word FEDELTA. LONG SERVICE MEDAL. Ferdinand II also created a bronze medal for Long Service. It is 38 mm. and bears on the obverse the king’s bust on a pedestal, surrounded by implements of war and flags. Above is FERDIN ANDO II. The reverse reads LODEVOLE SERVIZIO MI LI TARE DI 25 ANNI. The ribbon is red. MEDAL FOR THE SIEGE OF MES¬ SINA. After the long siege of the citadel of Messina in 1848 by Ferdinand II which resulted in his reconquest of Sicily, a com¬ memorative medal was authorized by the king. This was to reward the troops who AND MONOGRAPHS no ITALIAN ORDERS had taken part in the campaign. The medal for the senior officers was of gold and enamel, 35 mm. in diameter. On the obverse within a green-enamelled laurel wreath, is a pentagonal fort; in the corners are five bombs, the flames of which rest upon the wreath. In the centre is the fleur-de-lis of the Bourbons, in relief. The reverse is similar, except that in the centre of the pentagon is the legend, ASSEDIOJ DELLA 1 CITTADELLA / DI MESSINA / 18 ^ 8 . The ribbon is red. For the junior officers and soldiers the medal was of bronze and of the same size, without enamel. Obverse and reverse are identical, and the medal was worn with a red ribbon. A variant of this medal has a plain reverse, no fort, or bombs, but with the same inscription in relief. MEDAL FOR SICILY. Created for the troops who, under the leadership of Filan- gieri, suppressed the Insurrection of 1848- 1849. This is of bronze-gilt, and displays the effigy of Ferdinand II facing to right within a wreath of oak leaves. Outside, the wreath are two draped flags, the whole is NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Two Sicilies Siege of Messina Long Service Medal, Ferdinand II 112 ITALIAN ORDERS surmounted by a Bourbon lily. The plain reverse has CAMPAGNA DI SICILIA 18 J/. 9 , in relief. The ribbon has three equal stripes of light blue and white. MEDAL FOR CAMPAIGN OF 1860 . Francis II came to the throne of Sicily in 1859, about the time of the Garibaldi campaign for the Independence of Italy. His reign was short. The Medal for the Campaign of 1860 was created by him for those troops who were loyal to him and opposed to Garibaldi. It is bronze, 37 mm., and bears on the obverse the effigy of the king, facing to left, within a wreath of oak leaves. Surrounding this is FRANCESCO II RE DELLE DUE SI Cl LIE. The reverse bears the words, TRIFRISCO, CAIAZZO, S.MARIA,S. ANGELO, GARIGLIANO, sur¬ mounted by three Bourbon lilies. Around this inscription appear the words, CAM¬ PAGN A DI SETT. OTT. 1860 . The ribbon is red with a blue stripe in the centre. CAMPAIGN OF EASTERN SICILY. Authorized in i860. It bears on the obverse NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XXVJ1I Two Sicilies Medal for Sicily, Ferdinand II the effigy of Francis II facing to right, and the words SICILIA OCCIDENT ALE/ APRILE E MAGGIO/1860. On the reverse, within a wreath of laurel, the words AL V A LORE. This is bronze, and 27 mm. in diameter. A variant of this medal was issued without the likeness of the king on the obverse. MEDAL FOR THE DEFENSE OF CATANIA. The obverse bears the effigy of Francis II, a trophy of arms, and the words CATANIA 31 MAGGIO 1860; the reverse, within a wreath of laurel, the words AL V A LORE. MEDAL FOR GAETA. Issued to the refugees who fled to Gaeta with the Royal family in 1860-61 when Garibaldi entered Naples. The medal is silver, 36 mm., having on the obverse the jugated busts of the King and Queen Maria Sophia of Bavaria and the words FRANCESCO II—MARIA SOFIA. The reverse shows a view of the city of Gaeta, with GAETA 1860-1861 in the exergue. A variation of this medal has NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl.Two Sicilies Medal for Gaeta, Francis II on the reverse the fortress of Gaeta only, with the same inscription in the exergue. After the Garibaldi campaign of 1860- 1861 for the freedom of Sicily, and after the Royal family had given up the Kingdom of Sicily, Francis II by a decree dated March 12, 1861, authorized medals for all his soldiers who took part in the second siege of Messina. It appears that dies were made but only one medal is known to have been struck. That rests in the famous Ricciardi collection in Naples. The writer is in¬ debted to Sig. Guido de’Mayo’s article in the May-June 1922 issue of Miscellanea Numismatica, which describes this medal. It is silver, 35 mm., and bears on the obverse the jugated busts of the King and Queen, facing to left (similar to the Gaeta Medal), and the titles, FRANCESCO II— MARIA SOFIA. The reverse has a design of the pentagonal fortress of Messina; in the corners of the pentagon are five bombs, the flames of which rest on the wreath which surrounds the fort. In the centre is the Bourbon fleur-de-lis. The exergue reads CITTADELLA DI MESSINA. The ribbon is given as red with blue stripes. MEDAL FOR SICILY. This is said to have been awarded to those who took part in the uprising against Ferdinand II in 1848, in the movement for a United Italy, but the purpose of this award cannot be verified from the several authorities consulted. It was issued in silver and bronze, 30 mm., and suspended from a ribbon of the Italian National colours—three equal stripes of green, white and red. On the obverse is an allegorical figure of Sicily, armed with a sword; at her feet is a shield with the Arms of Sicily, while in the sky, a brilliant sun bears the Arms of Savoy. In the distance is Mt. Aetna in eruption. The reverse has in the centre SICILIA/1848. Around this is the inscription, INIZIO DEL RISORGIMBNTO D’lTALIA. AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND TUSCANY Tuscany, the ancient Etruria, lies south of the Apennines. On the east it was bounded by the districts of Umbria and the Marches, while to the south lay the section known in Classical times as Latium, but which later, with the rise of the Church, was usually known as the Papal States. None of these provinces had boundaries that were fixed for any great length of time, and their geographical history is very com¬ plicated. Between the ioth and 16th Centuries, Tuscany was composed of several self- governed communes or Republics, the most important of which were Lucca, Pisa, Florence and Siena. The Medici family was a dominant factor in the government for a long period. In 1735 the country came under Austrian rule. Francis, Duke of Lorraine and afterwards Emperor of Aus¬ tria (1708-1765), became Grand Duke of Tuscany. He succeeded John Gaston, the last of his line, and thus the Duchy passed NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR from the control of the Medici and into that of the Hapsburg family. This had been arranged by treaty. The Hapsburgs continued in control until the entrance of the French in 1799 under Napoleon I, though the battle of Waterloo in 1815 brought back once more their rule in the domain. Ferdinand III (1769-1824) was succeeded by his son, Leopold II, who lost the Duchy of Tuscany when the constit¬ uent Assembly voted for its inclusion in the Kingdom of Italy on August 16, i860. From that time all the Orders of Tuscany have been discontinued. ORDER OF SAINT STEPHEN. This Order was founded at Pisa in 1561 or 1562, by Cosimo I de’ Medici, Duke of Florence, afterwards the first duke of Tuscany, to commemorate his victory over the French at Siena. The battle took place on St. Stephen’s day, August 2, 1554 (or August 6 accord¬ ing to some historians). The inhabitants of the city and the troops under Henry II, after withstanding a siege of fifteen months, finally capitulated. In 1567, Pope Pius V AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS granted Cosimo the title of the first Grand Duke of Tuscany. The Order was named in honour of Stephen IX, Pope and martyr, once bishop of Florence, on whose festival Cosimo de’ Medici gained his victory. It is said to have been discontinued in 1565, but Elias Ashmole states that new statutes were approved in 1590. He also lists it as one of the Orders extant in 1715; though Hugh Clark informs us that the Order was “revived in 1764 and put on a respectable footing.” Whatever its status in the interval may have been, the Order was reorganized in 1817 by Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1769-1824), and its regulations were altered by him at that time. The insignia is a red-enamelled, gold- edged cross, similar to that of the Knights of Malta. In the angles are golden fleurs- de-lis and above the cross is a ducal crown of gold. The ribbon is bright red. ORDER OF SAINT JOSEPH. Founded by Ferdinand III on March 19, 1807, when as Grand Duke of Wurtzburg he was ad¬ mitted to the Confederation of the Rhine. NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. XXX Tuscany Order of Saint Stephen Upon the downfall of the Napoleonic control of Tuscany in 1814, Ferdinand restored the Order in Tuscany when he again assumed control of the Duchy. The Order was for meritorious service and was awarded to civilians, ecclesiastics and the military, whether native or foreign. Generally the honour was confined to those of the Roman Catholic faith. There are three classes: Grand Cross, Commanders and Knights. The Decoration of the first class is silver, a double-pointed, six-armed cross, with rays between the arms. An oval medallion in the centre bears the figure of St. Joseph; around this on the band, likewise of silver, is the motto UBIQUE SI MI LIS (Everywhere the same), with a branch of laurel and oak. In the lower centre of the band is the letter F. The cross of the second class is gold, and similar to the star of the first class, though smaller. It has white-enamelled arms, and the rays and the medallion band are of red enamel. It is surmounted by a gold crown and a suspension ring for the ribbon, which is bright red, with a white stripe at each edge. The reverse medallion NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Tuscany Order of Saint Joseph AND has in the centre S.J.F .1807 (SanctoJosepho Ferdinando —Dedicated by Ferdinand to Saint Joseph). The third class cross is smaller and worn with a narrower ribbon. ORDER OF THE WHITE CROSS. Instituted by Grand Duke Ferdinand III in 1814. This was a decoration solely for the military faithful to him. It is sometimes called the “Cross of Loyalty.” A MEDAL OF HONOUR was also founded in 1816 for those who had distinguished themselves in the Duchy. No description of these two insignia is obtainable from the several authorities consulted. MILITARY MEDAL. Authorized in 1815 for distinguished service. It was awarded only to junior officers and soldiers. This medal is silver, bearing on the obverse a bust of the founder facing to right, and the title FERDINANDO III.A.D.A.GRAND. DI TOSCANA. The reverse has in relief AI PRODI E FED ELI TOSCANI 1815 . (To the brave and faithful Tuscans.) The ribbon is half red and half white. LONG SERVICE MEDAL. Founded in 1816 and issued to junior officers and sol¬ diers. It is bronze, 37 mm., and bears on the obverse two crossed swords, with a shield bearing the letter F superimposed. Above this device is a crown, and below is 1816, the date of its creation. The reverse reads, in relief, AL LUNGO E FED EL SERVIZIO. The ribbon is half red and half white. MEDAL OF MILITARY MERIT. This was founded by Leopold II on May 19, 1841, and bears the effigy of the Duke and the words LEOPOLDO II GRANDUCA DI TOSCANA. The reverse has in relief FI DELTA E V A LORE. The ribbon is half red and half black. ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT. In¬ stituted on December 19, 1853, by Leopold II. The decoration is a five-armed white- enamelled cross of gold on a gold laurel wreath, which is surmounted by a gold crown. The obverse medallion is inscribed L II. surrounded by the words MERITO AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS MILITARE. On the reverse medallion, 1853 records the date of its creation. The ribbon is of red and black in equal stripes. MEDAL OF 1848 . Founded by Leopold II for the war of Italian Independence. This was a service medal for his troops taking part in that campaign. It is bronze- gilt, and bears on the obverse the effigy of the Grand-duke and title LEOPOLDO II GRANDUCA DI TOSCANA. On the re¬ verse within a laurel wreath is the inscription GUERRA/DELLA/INDIPENDENZA / ITALIANA/18^8. The loop for the ribbon is a wide bar-like affair, similar to that for many of the Italian medals. The ribbon is blue, bordered with two red stripes. MEDAL OF MERIT. Attributed by but one authority to Ferdinand IV. Issued in five classes; gold, of 40 mm. and 30 mm.; silver, of 49 mm. and 30 mm., and bronze, 45 mm. in diameter, according to the impor¬ tance of the award. On the obverse is a bust of the Grand-duke and FERDINANDO IV GRANDUCA DI TOSCANA. The re- NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Pl. Tuscany Order of Military Merit, Leopold II verse bears the inscription AL MER1T0 within a wreath. The ribbon is dark blue with black stripes at the sides. LONG SERVICE MEDAL. Instituted by Leopold II in December, 1850, for officers of the Army who had served at least thirty years. It is 36 mm., a gilt Maltese cross, having in the centre medallion of silver the head of Leopold II to left, encircled by LEOPOLD II G. D. DI TO SC. On the reverse medallion is the word ANZIANITA, with a crown above. No information concerning the ribbon is obtainable. NUMISMATIC NOTES ITALIAN DECORATIONS Plate Venice. Defence of Venice Tuscany. Long Service Medal. At the time of Augustus, there was no city of Venice, and Padua was the chief city of the district which has since come to be known as Venetia. This district occupied the Northeastern section of that country from the Alps on the North and East to the Adriatic Sea, and to the River Po on the West. From the Sixth and Seventh Cen¬ turies, after the foundation and the growth of Venice, it developed a considerable com¬ merce with its island domains and became a great maritime power. For many centuries an independent Republic was maintained, governed by a Senate and a Doge, elected by the people; his authority, however, was limited. Constant wars with neighboring peoples and with the Turks did not exhaust the wealth of Venice; and until the Eight¬ eenth Century Venice wielded great in¬ fluence in European politics. The Republic was unable to withstand the French army, however, and on October 17, 1797, was divided—one half of the territory going to NUMISMATIC Austria and the other half to the Cisalpine Republic. The Ionian Islands go to France. For years the Venetian Republic maintains its independence, and exhibits a form of government which commands universal admiration. GIUSTINIANO (si veda) states that Leoni was the first Grand Master of the Ordine di San Marco. He also lists a number of the Grand Masters from that date to 1688, and gives several authorities. Other writers fix the date of its origin as 828, when the remains of Saint Mark were taken from Alexandria to Venice. No exact information is obtainable as to the discontinuance of the Order, though Ashmole indicates its existence in 1672, as does Clark in 1784. The insignia is a gold chain to be worn around the neck. From this a gold medal¬ lion is suspended. On the obverse is the Arms of Venice —the winged lion of St. Mark, seated with a sword in the right paw, and with the left paw resting on an open book, on which is the motto PAX TIBI MARCE EVANGELISTA MEUS (Peace to thee, Mark, my Evangelist). The reverse is believed to have been plain, although Ashmole asserts that it had the name of the Doge then living as well as a portrait—if that is what may be understood by his words “a particular impress.” This Order was conferred by the Senate or by the Doge, and later was called the Order of the Doge of Venice. On late forms, the insignia was changed to a blue-enamelled cross, on the centre of which was a medallion with the above described Arms. The reverse bore the effigy of the reigning Doge, sometimes represented as on his knees receiving a standard from the hands of St. Mark. All recipients of this Order had to show records of noble birth and were known as the Knights of Saint Mark. MEDAL FOR THE DEFENCE OF VENICE. This medal was issued in 1849, during the second year of the short-lived Republic of Saint Mark —as Venice was at that time called. It was of silver and bronze, 27 mm., bearing on the obverse the Arms of the Republic. Around this are the words INDIPENDENZA ITALIAN A. On the reverse is the cross of St. Maurice surrounded by VESSILLO DI VIT TORI A 18^8. The ribbon is crimson with a narrow gold stripe at each side. (PI. XXXIII.) MEDAL FOR BRAVERY. Also issued in 1849. It was of silver and bronze, but 32 mm. in diameter. The obverse has the lion of St. Mark and GOVERNO PROVISORIO. On the reverse, within an oak wreath, are the words DI FEN SORE DI VENEZIA. The ribbon is red with gold stripes at the sides. MEDAL FOR THE CIVIL GUARD. Authorized. It was silver and bronze gilt, oval in form, 40 mm. by 34 mm. On the obverse appear two crossed flags and the words GUARDI A Cl VIC A VENETA. The reverse reads VV/ VI TALIA. The ribbon is yellow. OBSOLETE ORDERS The following Orders listed by the several authorities consulted, as having been formed in Italy, have long been discontinued. Order of the Golden Star of Venice, date not given. Order of the Golden Stole, date not given. Order of the Royal Crown of Mantua, was, according to Genouillac, created by Prince Louis of Gonzaga (son of Witikind, King of Saxony), in honour of his marriage with Adalgise of Lombardy, daughter of Gisulf, due de Frioul. Order of the Eagle of Italy. Created February 15,941, by Hugo II of Gonzaga, to perpetuate the memory of his marriage with Princess Elizabeth of Gonzaga and Lombardy. New statutes were formed for the Order in 968. Order of Holy Mary, Mother of God. Founded in Italy in 1233. Its creation is attributed to Bartholomew, Bishop of Vincenza. The purpose of its foundation was to quell the discords which arose NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines and also to defend and support the Roman Catholic religion. It was approved by Pope Martin IV, who placed the knights under the protection of St. Augustin. It was called by some the “Order of the Brothers of the Jubilation,” later the “Order of St. Mary of the Tower,” and the “Order of the Chevaliers of the Mother of God.” Towards the end of the Sixteenth Century the Order had entirely disappeared. Order of the Black Swan of Italy, founded in 1350 by Amadeus VI and other Italian Princes, for the purpose of preventing feuds, then so prevalent. Order of St. George of Genoa. Founded by Frederick III of Germany. It was to reward the Genoese for the reception he received during his journey to Rome, where he received the Imperial Crown. The Order was short-lived. The badge is a plain red cross suspended from a gold chain. This Order is not to be confused with the Order of St. George of Austria, founded by the Emperor Frederick. and monographs Order of St. George of Ravenna. Founded in 1534 by Alexander of Farnese (then Pope Paul III). Its award was confined to those who defended the city and its vicinity from the attack of the Moslems or Corsairs. On the death of its founder it ceased to exist. Cappelletti says it was suppressed by Gregory. The insignia was a red-enamelled star of eight points, over which was a gold ducal crown. Order of the Lily. Founded in 1546 by Alexander of Farnese. Order of the Lamb of God of Tuscany. Founded in 1568 by John III. Order of the Redeemer or of the Precious Blood of our Saviour. Founded by Vincent Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua. It was in honour of the marriage of his son Francis with the Princess Marguerite, the daughter of Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy. The Order survived about a century and lapsed in 1708 on the death of Ferdinando Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua. An attempt was made to revive it but without success. The insignia was an oval medallion, in the centre of which were two angels in adoration. Around this was the motto NIHIL HOC TRISTE RECEPTO. Order of the Conception. Instituted on September 8, 1617, by Ferdinand 1 of Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, in honour of the conception of the Virgin and placed under the protection of St. Michael the Archangel. Like many other Orders founded about this time, the members swore allegiance to the Church and agreed to fight against the infidels. Order of the Virgin or the Order of the Virgin Mary the Glorious. Created in Italy by three gentlemen of Spella, named Peter, John the Baptist, and Bernard, surnamed Petrignani. The Order was approved by Pope Paul V in 1618, and placed under the protection of the holy Virgin. The members agreed to defend and uphold the Roman Catholic religion and make war on the in¬ fidels. No record has been found of the discontinuance of the order. Order of Saint Rosalie of Palermo. Founded by Alderon de Carreto. Charles Albert was of the line of Savoy-Carignano which was founded by Thomas Francis, son of Charles Emmanuel the Great. Carignano, a town in the province of Turin, was in 1630 bestowed by Charles Emmanuel I upon his son Thomas Francis, who was known as the Prince of Carignano. The present reigning king of Italy is of this house. Ency. Brit. At this Crescent was fastened as many' small Pieces of Gold fashion’d like Columns and enamell’d with Red, as the Knights had been engag’d in Battels and Sieges; for none could be adopted into this Order unless he had well trod the Paths of Honour.” Ashmole, E., Hist, of Order of the Garter. Ashmole. ‘‘It was approved and confirmed by Pope Urban, and the Rule of St. Dominick prescribed to the Knights.” Armani, E. Insegne Cavaileresche e Meda- glie del Regno d'ltalia. Rome, Ashmole, Elias. The Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. London. Ashmole, Elias. The History of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. London NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR Burke, Sir Bernard. The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honor. London Cappelletti, Licurgo. Ordini Cavalle- reschi. Livorno 1904. Cibrario, Luigi. Descrizione e Storica degli Ordini Cavallereschi. 2 vols. Torino Clark, Hugh A. A Concise History of Knighthood. London. Cuomo, Raffaele. Ordini Cavallereschi antichi e moderni. 2 vols. Naples 1894. Elvin, C. N. Handbook of the Orders of Chivalry. London 1893. Favine, Andrew. The Theatre of Honour and Knighthood. London.—Translated from a French Edition of Genouillac, H. Gourdon de. Diction- naire historique des ordres de Chevalerie. Paris. Genouillac, H. Gourdon de. Nouveau Dictionnaire des ordres de Chevalerie. Paris Giorgio, Florindo de. Dellc cerimonie Pubbliche della onorificenze della nobilta e de'Titoli e degli Ordini Cavallereschi net Regno delle Due Sicilie. Naples Giustinian, Bernardo. Historic degli Ordini militari, etc. Venezia. AND MONOGRAPHS ITALIAN ORDERS AND J. S. The History of Monastical Conventions and Military Institutions, etc. London. Lawrence-Archer, Major J. H. The Orders of Chivalry. London. Mennenii, Francisci. Deliciae Eqyestrivm sive Militarivm Ordinvm et Eorundem Origines, etc. Coloniae Agrippinae Perrot, A.-M. Collection J Historique des Ordres de Chevalerie. Paris. Puca, Antonio. Gli ordini cavallereschi del Regno dTtalia. Naples. Ricciardi, Eduardo. Medaglie delle due Sicilie. Naples 1910 and 1913. Ruo, Raffaele. Ordini Cavallereschi instituti nel regno delle Due Sicilie. Naples. Saint Joachim. An accurate historical account of all the Orders of Knighthood, by an Officer of the Chancery of the Order of Saint Joachim. London 1802. (Said to be by Sir L. Hamon). Sculfort, Lieut. V. Catalogue; Decorations et Medailles du Musee de VArmee. Paris Trost, L. J. Die Ritter- und Verdienst Or den, Ehrenziechen und Medaillen aller Sou- ver'dne und Staaten. Wien & Leipzig 1910. NUMISMATIC NOTES MEDALS OF HONOUR Lucca Civil Medal of Merit. 8 Military Service Medal. 8 St. George, Order of. 5 St. Louis, Order of. 6 Modena Cross for Service. 13 Eagle of Este, Order of. Fidelity Medal. Military Medal for Loyalty.Military Medal of Merit. 13 Parma Constantine, Order of. 16 Medal of Merit. 20 St. Louis, Order of. San Marino Medal of Merit. 24 Order of Chivalry. 21 Sardinia, Savoy and Kingdom of Italy Africa, Medal for. 65 Boxer Uprising, Medal for (Medal for Far East). 66 China, Medal for (Medal for Far East). AND MONOGRAPHS Civil Medal of Valour. Civil Order of Savoy. Colonial Order of the Star of Italy. Crimean Medal. Crown of Merit. Crown of Italy, Order of. Far East, Medal for. Industry, Order of. Italian Independence Medal. 60 Italian Unity Medal. Liberation of Sicily, Medal for. Life Saving Medal. Marsala Medal (Medal of the Thousand). Medal of Merit. Medal of Merit (Battle of Vicenza). Medal of Merit (Rome). Medal of Merit (“S.P.Q.R.”). Medal of the Thousand. Military Cross for Service. Military Medal of Valour. Most Sacred Annunciation, Order of. National Gratitude, Medal of. Naval Medal of Valour. Public Safety, Medal of Merit. Royal Military Order of Savoy. St. Maurice, Medal of. St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, Order of. Star of the Thousand. NUMISMATIC NOT E S MEDALS OF HONOUR Turkish War of 1911-1912. 68 United Italy, Medal for. 62 Valour Medal. Veterans Guarding Tomb of the Kings Medal. Victory Medal. War Cross of Italy. War in Lybia Medal. War Orphans Medal. 7War Volunteers Medal. World War Medal. 72 See also Obsolete Orders. 134 The Two Sicilies Campaign of 1860. 112 Civil Merit, Medal of. 108 Constantine, Order of. Crescent, Order of the. Defence of Catania, Medal for the. Double Crescent (Order of the Ship). Eastern Sicily, Campaign of. Ermine (Naples), Order of the. 88 Francis I, Royal Order of. 105 Gaeta Medal. Griffin (Naples), Order of the. Holy Spirit of the Right Desire (Order of the Knot). 8 7 Knot (Naples), Order of. Lombardy, Medal of Merit for. 96 AND MONOGRAPHS Long Service Medal. 109 Medal of Honour. 94 Medal of Honour Medal of Honour (Sicily). Messina, Medal for. 108 Naples, Medal of Honour for. Provincial Legion, Medal of Honour for the 99 Reel and Lioness, Order of. 87 St. Charles, Royal Military Order of. St. Ferdinand, Order of, and Order of Merit. 93 St. George, Medal of. 104 St. George of the Reunion, Royal Military Order of. St. Januarius, Order of. St. Michael (Naples), Order of. 89 Security Guard Medal. Ship, Order of the. Sicily, Medal for (Ferd. II.). no Sicily, Medal for (Nationalist). Siege of Gaeta, Medal of Honour for the. . 97 Siege of Messina, Medal for the. Siena, Medal of Merit for. 96 Spur, Order of the. Two Sicilies, Royal Order of the. 98 Tuscany Long Service Medal. ^5 Long Service Medal (Leopold II). NUMISMATIC NOTES Medal of 1848. 126 Medal of Merit. 126 Military Medal. Military Merit, Medal of. 125 Military Merit, Order of. 125 St. Joseph, Order of. 120 St. Stephen, Order of. White Cross, Order of the (Cross of Loyalty). See also Obsolete Orders. Venice Bravery, Medal for. 133 Civil Guard, Medal for the. 133 Defence of Venice of 1848, Medal for the. . 132 St. Mark, Order of. 131 Obsolete Orders Black Swan of Italy, Order of the. 135 Conception, Order of the. 137 Eagle of Italy, Order of the. 134 Golden Star of Venice, Order of the. 134 Golden Stole, Order of the. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Order of the. . 134 Lamb of God of Tuscany, Order of the. Lily, Order of. 136 Precious Blood of Our Saviour (See Order of the Redeemer). 13b Redeemer, Order of the. AND MONOGRAPHS 146 ITALIAN ORDERS Royal Crown of Mantua, Order of the. St. George of Genoa, Order of. St. George of Ravenna, Order of. 136 St. Rosalie of Palermo, Order of. 137 Virgin, Order of the. NUMISMATIC NOTES Numismatic Notes and Monographs Noe. Coin Hoards. plates. Newell. Octobols of Histiaea, plates. Newell. Alexander Hoards Introduction and Kyparissia Hoard. 1921. 21 pages. 2 plates. 50c. 4. Howland Wood. The Revolutionary Coinage plates. Westervelt. The Jenny Lind Medals and Tokens. plates. Baldwin. Five Roman Gold Medallions. plates. Sydney P. Noe. Medallic Work of A. A. Weinman. plates. Gilbert S. Perez. The Mint of the Philippine Islands. pages. 4 plates. 50c. 9. David Eugene Smith, LL.D. Computing Jetons. plates. Newell. The First Seleucid Coinage of Tyre. plates. Numismatic Notes and Monographs (Continued) 11. Harrold E. Gillingham. French Orders and Decorations. 1922. no pages. 35 plates. $2.00. 12. Howland Wood. Gold Dollars plates. Whitehead. Pre-Mohammedan Coinage of N. W. India. plates. $2.00. 14. George F. Hill. Attambelos I of Characene. 1922. 12 pages. 3 plates. Vlasto. Taras Oikistes (A Con¬ tribution to Tarentine Numismatics). 1922. 234 pages. 13 plates. $3.50. 16. Howland Wood. Commemorative Coin¬ age of United States. 1922. 63 pages. 7 plates. $1.50. 17. Agnes Baldwin. Six Roman Bronze Medallions. 1923. 39 pages. 6 plates. $1.50. 18. Howland Wood. Tegucigalpa Coinage plates. Newell. Alexander Hoards— II. Demanhur Hoard. 1923. 162 pages. 8 plates. $2.50. Egidio Romano. Egidio Colonna. Colonna. Keywords: conversazione cortese, conversazione gentile, padre/figlio, amore naturale, principe, cavalleria, cavaliere, cavalier attitude, cavalier implicature. Refs.: Luigi Speranza, “Grice e Colonna” – The Swimming-Pool Library. Colonna.
Grice e Colonnello
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