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Monday, January 20, 2025



Luigi Speranza -- Grice e Stilione: la ragione conversazionale del principe filosofo. – Roma – filosofia italiana – Luigi Speranza (Roma). Filosofo italiano. Tutor to Severo Alessandro, the emperor.


Luigi Speranza -- Grice e Stilone: la ragione conversazionale del proloquio del cielo -- il tutore di filosofia -- Roma antica – la scuola di Lanuvio – filosofia romana – la scuola di Roma – filosofia lazia -- filosofia italiana – Luigi Speranza (Lanuvio). Filosofo romano. Filosofo lazio. Filosofo italiano. Lanuvio, Roma, Lazio. Appartenne all'ordine equestre. Segue nell’esilio QUINTO METELLO (si veda) NUMIDICO. A Roma, è maestro e scrive discorsi per altri. I suoi discepoli più insigni sono CICERONE e VARRONE. Conoscitore sicuro della coltura latina, èil primo rappresentante notevole della scienza grammaticale o grammatica filosofica. Saggi: "Interpretatio carminum Saliorum"; "Index comœdiarum Plautinarum", "Commentarius de pro-loquiis" -- uno studio sulla sintassi di impronta del Portico. Inoltre, cura edizioni di saggi altrui. Gli è stata attribuita un’opera glossografica. The text of Svetonio (Gramm.) provides a list of the first Roman philosophers who more or less exclusively are devoted to grammar. Instruxerunt auxeruntque ab omni parte grammaticam L. Aelius Lanuvinus generque Aeli Ser. Clodius, uterque eques Romanus multique ac vari et in doctrina et in re publica usus. The first refers to the philosopher Elio Stilone, a native of Lanuvio, tutor of Cicerone and Varrone. From Gellius it is possible to gather some information about his linguistic and philological studies on PLAUTO, then resumed and developed by Varrone. In a proper linguistic field, some fragments testify to an interest for archaism, investigated both in the carmen Saliare and in the XII Tables, as well as in the ancient Italic languages. GELLIO also reports the title of a ‘saggio’ by S.: “Commentarius de proloquiis” in which, as GELLIO himself informs us, “pro-loquium” is used to render the “axioma”, a technical term of the dialectics and philosophical grammar of the Porch which indicates a simple sentence, complete in all its parts. GELLIO adds that Varrone borrows ‘pro-loquium’ from his tutor and uses it in the XXIV book of the “De lingua Latina.” Therefore, Varrone is indebted to Stilo even with regard to the syntactic terminology. However, the grammatical field in which the dependence of Varrone from S. is more widely recognised is etymology. Dahlmann, recalling a hypothesis by  Reitzenstein, suggests that in V-VII of “De lingua Latina”, VARRONE largely makes use of a  Etymologicon, of the Porch, rendered into Latin by S. VARRONE himself acknowledges his dependence on S., often quoting his master for the etymologies. Out of  CI certain fragments of Stilo's collected by FUNAIOLI, IX are quoted by VARRONE. One being ‘cælum’ < ‘celare’ since its antonym is 'to reveal,’ which makes use of a method of S. --the antiphrasis, by means of which the sense of an expression is explained by its antonym. A teacher of Varrone. A highly accomplished scholar. He was the philosophy tutor of both CICERONE and VARRONE, amongst others. Lucio Elio Stilone. Keywords: Varrone Quinto Elio Stilone. Keywords: Portico, proloquium, axioma, Cicerone, Varro, Stilone, Gellio, Svetonio.


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